Day 140: Afternoon Tea

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Dear Diary

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Dear Diary...

Home started to become better. The last few days, well Nancy at least came to my room to cry. She would look for me when she felt the need to pull away. I was enjoying being needed, but whenever she would need me, well it put me in this place of sadness.

The only cure for this seemed to be the presence of Eddie or Sunday dinners.

Eddie went with me for every one of the meals. I like to think it was for me, but the meals also gave him a sense of belonging to the family as well. He always greeted Mrs. Emerson with such enthusiasm. It was cute to watch his surprise at all the different desserts she would make.

I looked forward to getting to know them more. Especially when I got to help clean up the dishes and even just help prepare the dinner sometimes. This gave myself and Mrs. Emerson some time to get close and have some "girl talk" as she put it. Spending time with Gareth and his mother was one of my new favorite things.

When we broke the news about Eddie's proposal, well they all were ecstatic. Mrs. Emerson invited me over for tea one afternoon. She didn't know if I liked tea, but at the last Sunday dinner she asked for some time with the two of us. She wanted to get to know me more and to really talk more about my mom.

Eddie was worried, but Gareth said they could hang out and jam while I was there. I think jamming was the same as practicing in the garage and putting each other in headlocks?

We got to the front door, Eddie had brought flowers and I held his other hand as we waited. The door sprung open and there was the familiar whirlwind of Abigail Emerson. She smiled at you and danced, "Princess Sarah!" She signed excitedly.

We had been playing a lot of dolls, which I didn't mind as I never got to play with toys growing up. Abigail was very found of princesses and nights. We even spent an entire evening making a paper mache dragon and painting it to look like Ozzie. She loved it and I told Eddie we needed to buy a proper one for her for Christmas. He agreed and had smirked, "Christmas is going to be so fun." His hands moved faster now and I could tell he was excited.

Behind her came Mrs. Emerson who gave me a big hug and kissed Eddie on the cheek for the flowers. She signed thank you and pointed to the back, Eddie signed thank you, gave me a quick kiss on the lips then made his way to the back of the house.

I watch him head off and go back to meeting her eyes. I could not get used to signing her name just yet and she had asked me to call her Madeline, but I knew it wouldn't be right. I had a hard time calling Wayne... well Wayne. He was Mr. Munson, it was better that he didn't know sign language as he was embarrassed when he found out I talked with him so formally.

He had offered to come to the next Sunday dinner, so I had to ask Mrs. Emerson if that was okay. I was sure she would be alright with it, apparently they both had to go down to the local police station together for the boys on several occasions. As well as Eddie having to apologize to her at Wayne's direction.

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