Day 90: The Road to Recovery

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Dear Diary

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Dear Diary...

I could feel the warm embrace of someone's hand on mine. The quiet from waking up, well it was so familiar. I didn't want to open my eyes, afraid I was back in that hole, back outside in the cold, that I dreamed up the whole idea of being found.

You open one eye to check, seeing a white ceiling. Hospital? You had only been once before... that was when you broke both your eardrums.

You then open both eyes and try to move, instantly you see that lovable fluff of hair pop into view. He's concerned, moving about as you try and lift your body. Everything hurts. Now that you were able to relax, the full intensity of your injuries were apparent. You meet his eyes and feel the tears already, he cups your cheek and kisses your forehead, trying to calm you down. You want to hold him, be with him, but he's being careful. I look around and notice one hand is strapped against the bed, there are pins and other things sticking into my finger, I look at it and Eddie pulls my sight back to me, he's signing, "it's okay Sarah. You were really hurt."

I can't sign, my hand won't move. I'm scared.

Eddie must be reading my body language he starts to shift and look around, finding the notepad he smiles and writes...

Please calm down. I am here, not going anywhere. I will not leave you out of my sight again. I fucking missed you. There is a lot of bone damage and stuff I don't understand. Please just relax, I won't leave.

I nod and settle back down... the room is lit well and smells like cleaner. I look around and then back down, there are blankets piled on top of me and I use my other hand, that one is just bandaged. The other hand had my broken finger, I hope I can use it again.

I motion for the notepad and Eddie sets up a little side table so I can write. Luckily my hand that can still function is the one I write with, I would be sad if I can't communicate anymore.

"Nancy? She here?" I wrote out and Eddie smiled and nodded. He moved some of your hair out of the way and just looked at you.

"I missed you so much Eddie." I wrote and he read the words, his fingers pulling across the paper, "I'm sorry I got lost."

He took the notepad. Then shook his head, "it wasn't your fault. Those people. They made you do that."


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