Chapter 47: Gone Forever

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"Mornin', darlin'. Take a seat wherever you'd like".

"Thanks". I smiled back at the waitress before deciding on a seat at the counter.

"Awful early for a young girl like yourself to be out alone in these parts". She crossed her arms across her chest, like a scolding mother.

"I'm driving home. Needed a pit stop".

I looked up at the clock on wall. It was just after 4.

"Well ya picked the best place in town. What can I get for ya hon?" She smiled again, hand now resting on her hip as she awaited my response.

The diner was small. A little greasy and rundown, but homey and familiar nonetheless, something very much appreciated after hours of driving. I was the only customer apart from an old man reading a newspaper in one of the booths towards the back

"I'll have a latte please. And do you sell pie here?" I inquired, looking up at her.

"You bet we do, honey".


"A lady of taste I see. Coming right up for ya sweetheart". She winked at me before disappearing out back.

I turned my body slightly to face the small TV that was positioned behind the counter.

"Breaking news coming out of Gotham this morning. Several bombs set off along the sea walls have apparently put the city underwater". A news broadcaster spoke.

"Awful ain't it? All those poor people losin' their homes. Lord... you can't even begin to imagine..." The waitress interrupted my thoughts, placing down the latte and slice of pie in front of me.

"I- yeah... yeah it's awful..." I hummed in agreement, taking a sip of my coffee before turning back to the TV.

"We now bring you a statement from the newly-elected Mayor of Gotham, Bella Reàl..." The broadcaster continued.

"Ain't she pretty..." I glanced over as the waitress voiced her thoughts, not taking her eyes off the TV.

"We will rebuild. But not just our city. We must rebuild people's faith... in our institutions... in our elected officials... in each other..." Bella Reál spoke from what looked like the front of the city hall building. One of her arms was held up in a sling. I recognised Gordon standing next to her.

"I'd like to see her try..." I mumbled, taking a bite of my pie.

"You not as optimistic, hon?" The waitress finally turned to look at me.

"Pardon my French, but that city is fucked". I scoffed.

"Ya think?" She was now fully invested in what I had to say, elbows balancing on the counter, chin resting atop of her entangled fingers. Up close I could finally read her name badge.


"I- um... I used to live there. Trust me, it's gonna need more than a new Mayor to fix it". I shovelled another folk full of pie into my mouth.

"I hope for the sake of all those people that she tries her damn hardest". Sadie stroked one of my hands that lay flat on the counter before turning around and walking out back once more.

I continued watching the TV whilst I finished off my latte and pie, taking Edward's face suddenly appearing on the screen as my cue to finally leave. I left what I owed, along with a tip, on the counter before exiting the diner. Before heading straight back to my car, I took a minute to appreciate the crisp morning air on my face. I took a deep breath before pulling my phone out of my pocket.

It rang twice.

"Oh god (Y/N)! Sweetheart. Your father and I have been trying to contact you. Where the hell are you?! We've just heard the news-"

"I'm coming home". I cut off her panicked rambling.

"Home? I- how? Jesus... we've been so worried. Are you okay?" From her raspy tone, I could tell she had been crying.

I felt an oh-so familiar twinge of guilt in my chest.

"I'm okay. Well... I- god... I'm not really okay. Everything is ruined, mom. But I'm alive and well... at least. Edward gave me his car. I've been driving all night. I'm only a few hours away from home". A small tear fell down my cheek as I paced back and forth, kicking up dust as I tried to calm myself down.

"Edward... oh that son of a bitch-"

"Please mom. I don't need the lecture right now. I jus- I just need to get home to you guys". I cut her off again, not possessing the energy to deal with an argument.

"Okay honey. Okay, um... how long do you think you'll be? Do you need your father to come and meet you half way? He'll come and get you baby. Where are you?" She sniffled, rambling once more.

"I'll be okay, mom. The map estimates that I'm just under 3 hours away from home".

"Okay. Okay. I'm going to run you a nice hot bath for when you get home, darling. I must fix up your room for you. Ooh and we can order takeout if you'd lik-"

"That sounds perfect mom. Thank you. I love you both... so much... I'm sorry..." I sniffled, wiping my damp cheeks with the back of my hand.

"Oh (Y/N)... there's no need to apologise. You just get yourself home to us safely. Okay? We love you sweetheart". She sighed.

"I will. I'll see you soon".

I hung up before shoving my keys into the driver's side door and slumping myself behind the wheel. The interior still smelled like him. Everything reminded me of him. I knew that for the rest of my life, he'd be there with me. In every store window, I'd see his reflection standing next to me. Every morning when I woke up, I'd feel his weight on the other side of the bed. Every time someone would call my name, it would sound like him. Every time I would meet someone new, they'd know. I wouldn't even have to tell them. I could change my name. Move across state. Dye my hair. Change my wardrobe. People would still know.

I put the car in drive and took off down the highway, window inched open a crack letting in a calming gentle breeze. I turned on the radio to try and drown out my thoughts. The reality was that I needed to process things. I needed to accept everything that had happened to me. I needed to move on. To find inner peace.

To start again. I'm still hanging on
I was at the end of every tether waiting for what once was... ♪

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