Chapter 39: Art Deco

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"Are you okay? You seem... off..." I turned my head, questioning Eddie with a mouth full of popcorn. He hadn't spoken a word in over an hour, despite him usually being full of questions whenever I was the one to decide on what movie we were watching.

"What? Um... yeah..." He replied, looking visibly shaken from some sort of trance.

"Remind me to remind you that you should never go into acting". I joked, shoving another handful of popcorn into my mouth.

"(Y/N)... I need to ask you something..." He mumbled, finally turning to look at me.

"Okay..." I paused the TV, turning to look at him fully, one eyebrow raised in confusion.

"So, um... there's this work thing tomorrow night... like a ball of some sort. I was wondering if you'd like to go with me... but it's okay if not! There's no pressure. I don't really want to go myself but my boss-"

"Eddie! Of course I'll go with you! Were you really nervous to ask me that?!" I cut him off, excitement practically radiating off my body. I hadn't gotten out much since the shooting. The boredom was starting to eat me alive.

"Oh thank god... (Y/N), thank you! If I'm being honest, I hate my co-workers and I hate my boss and they all hate me too, but... Jesus... thank you. I really couldn't do it without you..." He sighed, a look of relief painted on his face.

"Hey... it's okay! We're a team, aren't we?" I scrambled over to where he was sitting on the other side of the couch before placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"I know... it's just-"

"It's just nothing! I wouldn't miss it for the world. And you know what, fuck your co-workers! And your boss! Any enemy of Edward Nashton is an enemy of mine". I teased, nudging him on the shoulder.

"God... I love you so much". He cooed.

"And I love you too. So... what're the details? Where's this fancy pancy ball at? What do I need to wear to this fancy pancy ball, hmm?"

"It's at the Palace Theatre. 7pm. Black tie formal..."

"Ooo, this is well and truly fancy pancy, isn't it?" I teased again.

"Don't make me feel bad, (Y/N). Every year I have tried to avoid this stupid thing. Every. Single. Year. New year, new excuse. This year my meat-head boss wouldn't take no for an answer. Fuck... I don't even fucking own a suit. What am I supposed to do?" He rubbed his temples in frustration.

"Hey! Don't stress it! What are your measurements? I could always go out and get you something to wear tomorrow". I rubbed his back reassuringly.

"I couldn't tell you, (Y/N). I've never had the money... nor the reason... to own a fucking suit". He lifted his head from his hands to look at me. His eyes were glazed with tears.

"Give me a sec..." I shot up from my seat and dashed to my kitchen.

"What are you do-"

"One second!" I cut him off as I rummaged through my cabinets.


"Just a min- got it!" I shouted, practically sprinting back to the living room before pulling Eddie to his feet.

"Stand still..." I demanded, using the tape measure my dad had thankfully given me when I moved to size Eddie up.

"There we go! Amazing! I've got your measurements, I'll pick you up a suit tomorrow". I smiled up at him.

"(Y/N)... I can't ask you to do that". Eddie grabbed both of my cheeks.

"Well it just so happens that you're not asking. Just... think of it as a... gift".

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