Chapter 43: Hearing Damage

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Before leaving my apartment, I took a quick shower, applied some light makeup, and changed into some flared jeans and an old jumper my mom gave me a few years back. I walked to the diner with a slight spring in my step. Knowing Eddie would be sat there waiting for me lifted my mood. His last words from the phone call earlier played over and over in my head.

I love you (Y/N). See you soon.

I approached the diner and pushed the door open, the jingle of the bell above it signalling my presence. Eddie sat alone at the counter. He was dressed in his usual blue coat. He turned to look at me, a soft smile forming on that boyish face of his that I loved so much.

"Hey honey!" I called out, bouncing over to him before placing a light kiss on his cheek.

"(Y/N)... I'm so glad you came. Please sit". He gestured to the empty seat on his right-hand side.

I sat myself down, pulled off my coat and turned to face the waitress across the counter.

"Hi. Please can I have a slice of pumpkin pie and a large latt-"

"She's not staying". Eddie cut me off. I shot my head back in his direction, my brows now furrowed in confusion.

"Are we going somewhere els-"

"(Y/N)... angel... I'm going to need you to listen to me for a moment, okay? Can you do that for me beautiful?" He cut me off again.

"I- um... yeah..." I fumbled with my words, suddenly feeling very worried.

He's finally gotten sick of you, (Y/N). He's breaking up with you. You knew this day would come. He's leaving you, just like everyone else eventually does.

"They're coming to take me away soon. I need you to remember that you knew nothing, okay?" Eddie grabbed my chin gently and was now staring directly into my eyes, like he was trying to get the message home as best he could.

"Who is coming to take you away? What didn't I know? Eddie you're scaring me... what's going on?"

God I felt sick.

"They'll question you. And they'll be relentless. The last time I was round at your apartment I left an envelope of cash in your bathroom cabinet. It should be enough to get you a good lawyer. But whatever you do, you make sure you tell them the truth. You didn't know anything".

"A lawyer? Eddie please... what's happening?" Tears started to blur my vision. I blinked them out as I looked down at the counter. There sat Eddie's latte, a perfect question mark drawn into the foam on top. I looked back up at him, feeling more and more bewildered by the minute.

"(Y/N), I love you. I always have and I always will. I'm sorry... for all of this. I truly am. Just... say that you trust me". Both of his hands were now cupping my face. He used the pads of his thumbs to dry my damp cheeks.

"I- I trust you".

It was at that moment that I noticed the red and blue flashing lights coming from outside the diner.

"Hey... look at me. Everything is going to be okay. I love you". Eddie's grip on my face tightened as he tried to steal my attention away from the window.

"I love yo-"


The very last bit of happiness I had left inside of me died at that very moment. The moment Eddie and I were surrounded by hundreds of cops pointing guns at us. The moment everything clicked in my head. The moment I realised who he really was. The moment reality came crashing down on me.

Eddie didn't take his eyes off me. Didn't turn to look at them. His kind expression didn't falter. He knew this was coming and he dragged me here to watch the last piece of his puzzle come together.

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