Chapter 9: You Get Me So High

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(Y/N)'s co-workers had both finished at 1. I wasn't planning on staying so late, but I couldn't leave her alone to fend for herself. Gotham was too dangerous for that.

I was secretly glad they left, anyway. I didn't trust the girl and I was pretty sure the boy had feelings for (Y/N).

He doesn't deserve her, Edward. No one would treat her the way you would.

I stayed sat at the bar the entire night, somehow making 2 bottles of beer last me the entire time.

(Y/N) called last orders at 2 am, but she let me stay whilst she cleaned so I could finish up the rest of my drink.

I observed her as she did so. She had untucked her shirt from her tightly fitting trousers. Her hair was half up/half down, a framing piece sticking to her forehead from the sweat she he built up from mopping the floor. Her face glistened under the dim lights of the bar. Her cheeks flushed a light pink shade. She was thorough with her cleaning. Extremely organised. I imagined that her appartement was in the same state. She was so in the zone, I could have almost sworn that she'd forgotten I was there.

The clock read 2:53.

"Hey Eddie. I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to lock up now".

She had taken to calling me Eddie. No one had ever given me a nickname before. I liked it.

"Oh yeah... of course... sorry". I downed the rest of my beer that was now warm and flat.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Your presence has been... a comfort. I've never closed up by myself before".

She wants you, Edward. Now is your chance. Be a man.

(Y/N) had turned off all the lights and pulled the shutters down, leaving us both stood outside in silence, in the dead of night.

C'mon, Edward. Do it.

"Can I... can I walk you home? Maybe... it's really late. Gotham isn't safe at this time... or anytime... really... but I'd feel better knowing you got home safely".  I couldn't look at her as I asked. I didn't want to see the look on her face as she rejected me. God, Edward, you're such a fucking loser.

"I... um... that would be nice. Just as long as it isn't too out of the way for yo-"

Holy fuck, holy FUCK.

"It's not". I accidentally cut her off, I couldn't contain myself.

"Well, okay. I'd like that. Thank you".

We started walking in the direction of her appartement. I let her lead, not letting her know that I already knew where she lived. We remained mostly in silence. She was walking so close to me that our hands grazed each time we swung our arms. I was in a state of complete bliss. Heaven.

"So... Eddie. I don't think I've ever actually asked. What do you do? For work... that is". Her words brought me back down to earth.

Shit. What now? Lie? Tell her the truth?

I opted for the latter.

"Oh I'm.. a forensic accountant. Nothing too interesting".

God, Edward. You're so fucking boring.

"You're kidding right? That's so interesting! I've never exactly been good with numbers myself. I admire you massively. You must be so intelligent".

'I admire you'

'You just be so intelligent'

Blood rushed to my face. I'd never really been complimented before. She wasn't just a pretty face, she was truly kind. She appreciated me. I was hoping that she couldn't see the embarrassment on my cheeks.

"You really think?" I asked, bashfully.

"Yes! Also, it must be so satisfying helping to put dirty people away. Nothing worse than big business men using their power to get what they want, whilst rinsing the poor dry... sorry, got a bit dark there".

Oh, god. She really understands. Pretty, kind and smart.

I was fully engaged at this point.

"No... don't apologise. I'm... glad you think that way. This city is full of dirty people. The rich continue to get rich whilst the poor continue to suffer. All the politicians are corrupt. Even the GCPD too". I realised that my voice was a lot louder at this point. I tried to relax my body language, hoping I hadn't scared her.

"Well... the city might be dirty... but at least there's people like you seeking out justice". She said softly with a familiar smile, patting me lightly on the arm. A large smile forced it's way onto my face.

Oh, Edward. She gets you. She sees you for who you truly are. She's perfect.

Our pace slowed to a stop.

"Well Eddie, this is me".

I knew that.

We stood in silence for a few minutes. I had to say... something.

"I... erm... I'm sorry about that man... before".  I stuttered.

The smile on her face disappeared into oblivion. Her body noticeably tensed up. She began to rub her palms up and down her clothed thighs.

You've fucked it, Edward. You dick. You've made her uncomfortable. She's never going to want to speak to you again.

"Oh... I... it's fine! It's just my boss, y'know? He can be a bit... weird, at times".

Her fucking boss.

She looked as if she was going to cry. I had to do something.

"Whoever he is, he had no right to touch you like that" I replied, placing my hand on her shoulder.

I felt her relax slightly.

"Well... I... just another dirty rich Gotham elite. What can ya do?" 

I think she was trying to lighten the mood. But I was pissed.

"Anyway... I should probably be getting myself to bed. Thank you... for walking me home".

She turned to enter her building.

Do it, Edward.

I gently reached out for her arm, stopping her in her tracks.

"Will I... see you again?" 

Smooth. Real smooth, Edward.

"Well, Eddie. You know where to find me". She laughed, before making her way inside.

Yes, (Y/N). Yes I do.

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