Chapter 16: Under Cover of Darkness

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Gil Colson was the next on my list.

Gil had been receiving kickbacks for a long time. He had been paid off time and time again to avoid prosecuting cases against some very bad people.

But Gil, himself, was a very... very bad man.

As District Attorney, Gil was supposed to keep this city safe. But Gil somehow managed to do the complete opposite.

He sat in the heart of a corrupt system which continued to take advantage of the vulnerable and bleed the poor dry.

Enough was enough.


Sunday night I grabbed Colson from the backseat of his expensive car.

The task wasn't difficult. He'd just left the Iceberg Lounge and was high as shit on drops, harassing some innocent girl to get into his car with him.


I waited, ever so patiently under cover of darkness.

He shoved the keys into the door of his car and entered the driver's seat.

Silence. A calm before the storm.

A dirty rag and a little chloroform was enough to knock him out.

I'd waited all this time, I could wait a little longer.



The day of Mitchell's funeral.

It was perfect.

My followers had advised me on the best types of explosives for my plan. A bomb, to be placed around Colson's neck, fitted with a timer. All he'd have to do was answer a few riddles of mine. Simple really. Simple if he truly cared about keeping his own life.

I had Colson drive his car straight into City Hall. A letter to The Batman strapped across his chest.

I admired The Batman. A vigilante, quite like myself, really. I'd hoped that one day we'd get to work together. Batman and Riddler. Has quite the ring to it.

It turned out that Gil just wasn't quick enough, unfortunately. Not that I was entirely surprised.

I hung up the video-call with a swift goodbye. Not long after, Colson's body was blown up into smithereens. The walls of City Hall painted crimson.

The whole thing was entirely poetic. Perfectly orchestrated.

I pulled off my mask and sighed. Sweat making the hair stick to my forehead. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the piece of paper which was crumpled up inside.

(Y/N)'s number.

I hadn't spoken to her since Saturday night. I told myself that it was because I was busy with my plans. But really... I felt humiliated.

My mind shifted to that night. Both of us on her couch. Her tender thighs straddling me. Her soft lips caressing mine. The way she rubbed herself over my clothed dick. The way she moaned as she did so. And the way I embarrassed myself by finishing in my fucking trousers.

You're just a fucking virgin, Edward. Nothing but a loser. You think (Y/N) wants to be fucked by someone as pathetic as you? You couldn't even fuck her good if you tried.

I buried the thoughts to the back of my brain.

I wasn't going to blow this. I needed to speak to her.

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