Chapter 8: Dead of Night

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I shoved my things into my locker. Trying to process the events that had just unfolded.


I knew he was a little strange. But I never had expected that. Especially not towards me. Little old me.

Quickly, my mind shifted towards the stranger sitting downstairs.


The thought brought me back to reality. I turned the key to my locker, checking on my appearance quickly in the staff mirror before heading back downstairs.

"Sorry about that Mel. I owe you 5 minutes". I ushered.

"(Y/N)! Don't worry about it!" Mel announced, lightly patting me on the shoulder, turning to whisper in my ear...

"I'm sorry... about that... I know Will can be... weird, sometimes. But that was something... different".

"Hey! It's okay! It's not your fault. I'll be fine".

Mel gave me a small, sympathetic smile and disappeared upstairs. I made my way behind the bar, to be met by Lily and Tom.

"What the fuck was that?" Tom questioned, just loud enough, angry enough, to not draw any attention towards us.

"I don't fucking know! I've never seen him act like that before". I answered, my tone almost matching his.

"Alright Tom, it's not (Y/N)' s fault! You know Will, he can be a bit... forward sometimes". Lily came to my defence.

"I sorry Tom I can't... I can't do anything to jeopardise this job. I need the money". I pleaded.

Tom rolled his eyes and stormed out back. I couldn't understand why he was so angry with me. This wasn't exactly my fault.

"Don't worry about him. Probably just jealous he isn't being the centre of attention for once". Lily hugged me, somewhat easing the tension that I had been holding in my shoulders. I let go of her and turned towards the front of the bar, only to be met a beautiful face, tall body drowned out by that oh-so familiar blue parka coat.

"Eddie! How are you?" I walked towards the man.

'Eddie'. Where the fuck did that come from?

"Hi... (Y/N). I'm... good. How are you? You look... upset".

Edward looked up from his puzzle book, shifting in his chair, avoiding eye contact with me as he had done the night previously.

"Oh I'm fine, don't worry about me. How's work been today? Hopefully not as stressful".

I wasn't being too weird, was I? It's good business to remember the small details about the regulars' lives, right?

"Oh it's been... a lot better... thank you". He looked up at me again, giving me a small smile.

"That's good to hear. Can I... can I get you anything?"


"I... um... I'm fine, thank you".

"No worries. Give me a shout if you change your mind". I said softly, smiling at the man.

I walked back over to Lily, who had been observing the whole interaction.

"Okay so... what the hell was that?" She giggled softly, turning towards me.

"What? Nothing! Just being a good bartender... y'know?"

"Yeah... okay". She replied, winking at me.


It was my turn to close up that night. Alone. I had never done this before.

The bar had emptied out pretty fast after I called last orders. I looked at the clock on the wall.

2:53 am.

I had let Edward stay whilst I finished up the last bits of cleaning. Not exactly allowed, but Will was probably passed out drunk at home, so I doubt he would find out.

"Hey Eddie. I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to lock up now".

The man looked up from his book. He took a final swig of his beer, the same bottle he had been slowly sipping on for the past three hours.

"Oh yeah... of course... sorry". He replied, sheepishly.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Your presence has been... a comfort. I've never closed up by myself before".

He stood up and we both headed towards the door. I switched off the lights and pulled down the shutters.

"Can I... can I walk you home? Maybe... it's really late. Gotham isn't safe at this time... or anytime... really... but I'd feel better knowing you got home safely". He kept his head down, staring at the floor, lightly kicking a pile of wet leaves stuck to the concrete below.

"I... um... that would be nice. Just as long as it isn't too out of the way for yo-"

"It's not". He said, cutting off the end of my sentence.

Shit shit shit shit.

"Well, okay. I'd like that. Thank you".

We started walking in the direction of my apartment. Both of us not saying a word. The awkwardness was killing me.

"So... Eddie. I don't think I've ever actually asked. What do you do? For work... that is". Real smooth (Y/N).

My voice brought him back down to earth.

"Oh I'm.. a forensic accountant. Nothing too interesting". His words soft, voice smooth like warm caramel.

"You're kidding right? That's so interesting! I've never exactly been good with numbers. I admire you massively. You must be so intelligent".

"You really think?" Despite the darkness of night, I could see his cheeks flush a rosy colour under the neon lights of Gotham City.

"Yes! Also, it must be so satisfying helping to put dirty people away. Nothing worse than big business men using their power to get what they want, whilst rinsing the poor dry... sorry, got a bit dark there".

My words seemed to spark Edward's interest. If he was a dog, his ears would definitely be pricked up right now.

"No... don't apologise. I'm... glad you think that way. This city is full of dirty people. The rich continue to get richer whilst the poor continue to suffer. All the politicians are corrupt. Even the GCPD too". His tone was serious, his volume louder than I had heard before.

"Well... the city might be dirty... but at least there's people like you seeking out justice". I turned to him, patting him lightly on the arm. He smiled wide at me. His cheeks turning an even darker shade of pink. Red, almost.

"Well Eddie, this is me".

We stopped outside my apartment block. A silence once again falling between us.

"I... erm... I'm sorry about that man... before". Edwards words caused the smile to drop from the face. My palms began to sweat, hair stood to attention on my arms.

"Oh... I... it's fine! It's just my boss, y'know? He can be a bit... weird, at times".

Edward raised his hand to my right shoulder.

"Whoever he is, he had no right to touch you like that".

"Well... I... just another dirty rich Gotham elite. What can ya do?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Edward said nothing. His face remaining stern. Concerned.

"Anyway... I should probably be getting myself to bed. Thank you... for walking me home" I turned to open the door to my building. Edward stopped me in my tracks, lightly grabbing my arm.

"Will I... see you again?"

"Well, Eddie. You know where to find me". I replied with a little giggle, before making my way inside, leaving the man in the dead of night.

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