Chapter 4: Good Days

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Work eased up a bit after that. I found myself growing closer to Tom. We had a lot of the same interests: into the same movies, music, that sort of thing. I even found out that he was studying at GSU too. Chemical engineering.

"Honestly I just want to earn enough to move away from this shithole city".

Tom was a smart guy. Born and raised here.

"Honestly, I don't even know why you decided to study here. The place is hell on earth. I feel sorry for you (Y/N)".

I laughed, giving him a playful nudge on the shoulder.

"Wow thanks, Tom. Glad to see that I'm welcomed here". I joked.

"You know I'm only messing, (Y/N). We all love you here. You're amazing at your job. And it's refreshing to be around someone so genuine in this city. It's unheard of really. Also Will is like... super obsessed with you. So that's a bonus... maybe".

Lily and Tom had informed me that Will never used to come into the bar. Apparently he took quite the backstage managing role. Lily practically ran the place herself until recently. Until I started working here.

"Stop, Tom! You're gonna make me blush". I playfully nudged his shoulder again, soliciting a light giggle from him. 

We were pulled out of our conversation by the familiar jingle sound. It was a Thursday night. Around 11 pm. Thursdays were always the quietest. There were only about 3 people in the bar. Regulars.

I turned to look at the front door only to be met by a tall, dirty-blond haired man. His round face hidden behind a pair of thick, clear framed glasses. His figure was drowned out by a large blue parka coat. He looked sheepish. Uncomfortable. Like he'd just walked into the wrong place. He looked around and eventually met my gaze.

"Hey honey. Sit anywhere you'd like".

The man eventually decided on one of the tall chairs at the front of the bar.

"What can I get for you? Or do you need a little longer to decide?" I pressed slightly.

"I... um... I'll just have a bottle of beer... if that's okay?" He kept his head down, not once looking me in the eyes.

"Of course it is lovely. I'll be back in a minute".

I went to grab a bottle from the fridges. Pulling out a bottle opener from my pocket and ripping the cap off. I walked back over to the man and placed the bottle down in front of him.

"Here you go honey. Enjoy! Let me know if there's anything else I can get you".

"Um... thank you..." So quiet, it could have almost been considered a whisper. 

The man took a sip from the beer. He eventually pulled out what looked like a little puzzle book from his coat pocket.

Finding myself staring a little too much, I pulled myself out of it and turned to Tom.

"I think I'm gonna make a start on cleaning those glasses in the back" Tom spoke.

"Yeah, okay. I might make a stock list whilst it's quiet".

"You're the best (Y/N). Also... don't turn too quickly... but it looks like you've got a little admirer".

He smirked, patting me on the shoulder before heading into the back.

I turned to see that the curious man was already looking in my direction. Having noticed I was now looking at him, he quickly buried his head back into his book.

I made a start on the stock list. Writing down things we were low on, so I could hand it to Will the next time I saw him. I was so caught up in my work that I barely heard him speak.

"Hi... um... please can I have another?"

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. I was carried away there. Of course!"

I fumbled myself back onto my feet and headed to the fridge, grabbing the same beer as before.

"Here you go honey".

"Thanks... (Y/N)".

I wondered how the man knew my name, before remembering that I decided to wear my name tag today. I didn't bother most of the time, especially on Friday and Saturday nights. Gotham was full of too many creeps.

"It's no problem at all. So, what's your name?" I asked the man.

He was notably taken back. His face turning a light pink shade.

"I... um... it's Edward".

The man looked up at me and held my gaze for a few seconds.

"Well, Edward, it's nice to meet you. Don't think I've seen you around before".

I held my hand out for him to shake. He reluctantly grabbed it. His hands were soft and his fingers were long and slender.

"I.. I'm not much of a drinker. I just..."

"Hard day at work?" I cut him off slightly, feeling awful about it straight after.

"You could say so". He answered with a soft smile.

Now that he was finally looking at me I could properly see what he looked like. He looked around 5 years older than me. He had thin lips. His completion was pale and flawless. A slight flush in his cheeks. His hair was also swept to one side. It looked like it would be soft to touch. He looked... charming. Pretty, almost.

I snapped myself out of it.

"Well, I'm really sorry to hear about that. Sometimes a little alcohol is all you need to let things go".

I found myself rubbing my thumb lightly over the top of his right hand that was placed on the counter.

I removed it quickly. Shunning myself on the inside. God, that was weird (Y/N).

"If there's anything else I can get you, just give me a shout".

I went back to the stock list, annoyed at myself for making things awkward. I was once again shaken out of my work-induced trance by the sound of the door. I got up from the floor again only to be met by an empty counter. I went over to where the mystery man had sat. He had left $10 for the two beers and a $20 tip. I smiled to myself. I had never received a tip this big before. A few dollars here and there. But nothing like this. Guilt hit me all of a sudden, not wanting to accept such a generous gesture. I picked up the money, almost missing it. A napkin... with a note written on it.

Thank you for your kindness :)
~ Edward

I shoved it into my pocket and scrambled my way out back.

"Hey Tom, that man just left me a $20 tip!"

"Lucky bitch. That's more than I've ever made". He laughed.

"Yeah, you and me both pal". I laughed too.

"Told you you had a little admirer". Was that a little bit of jealousy I could sense in his words?

"Highly doubt it, Tom".

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