Chapter 15: Disorder

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"I'm telling you, Lily. I've fucked it massively". I groaned over the phone.

I felt like a lovesick teenager. Moping around in my bed. Quite pathetic really.

"No you haven't, (Y/N). He's just a nervous person... clearly. I still can't believe you're so into this guy. He's like... nerdy as hell. And you said he's 31? That's... so much older than you". Lily snarked.

"C'mon, Lily. Nerdy is like... exactly my type. And also... 9 years. That's not awful... is it? Oh I don't know, Lily. I feel so stupid. I clearly was too forward with him. I've scared him off. He still hasn't texted me".

It had been 2 days since the... incident... with Edward. He hadn't come into the bar yesterday. He hadn't texted since I gave him my number either. I was sure that I'd blown it with him.

"Maybe he's busy, (Y/N). He's so obviously into you. I can tell when he comes into the bar... it's like he'd lose consciousness if he stopped looking at you... even for a moment. Also... didn't he like... cream himself just from making out?" She laughed.

"I guess... I don't know. Also don't laugh, I already feel fucking awful as it is". That was enough to send her into hysterical fits of laughter. I couldn't help but let out a giggle myself.

"Listen anyway... stop worrying! Give him some time. He's probably just fucking embarrassed. I would be".

"Okay okay I hear you". I sighed into the phone.

"So... you in school today?" Lily asked, changing the conversation.

"Nope. They let us study from home today, with it being the Mayor's funeral and all".

Most of the streets in Gotham were closed off today for the funeral. Police officers were stationed on every corner. City Hall was plagued by hundreds of reporters.

"Oh shit... is that today?" Lily sounded genuinely surprised.

"Girl turn on your TV, it's on EVERY station".

"I don't get the obsession with publicising everything, y'know? Just let the man rest for Christ's sake".

I could only hum down the phone. Lily wasn't exactly clued up on the entire situation. I don't think she cared too much about politics either.

"Anyway... I'm gonna go. Got a shit ton of studying to catch up on. Love ya".

"Love ya too girl, bye!" She hung up.


I continued reading the papers my professor had given the class for the day. Brain plasticity. Very exciting...


It was a text.

Lily (Work) <3:

~ Turn your TV to channel 2 RIGHT. NOW! ~


~ Why? What's happened?? ~

Lily (Work) <3:

~ Just do it!! ~


~ Okay okay! Give me a sec ~

I closed my laptop and grabbed the TV remote, turning it on and flicking to channel 2.

" District Attorney Gil Colson has been killed in a harrowing set of events "


" Colson crashed his car into City Hall today in the midst of Mayor Mitchell's funeral "


" An individual going by 'The Riddler' has taken responsibility for killing, alongside the killing of Don Mitchell "


" The following scenes may be disturbing for some viewers "

Channel 2 proceeded to show what looked like a livestream. In it, an individual spoke with a low, raspy voice. Their face was covered by a green mask and clear plastic wrap. A set of clear frames sat on top of their nose.

The Riddler.


~ Okay what the FUCK ~

Lily (Work) <3:

~ I know RIGHT!!! They're saying that this guy made Colson answer a load of riddles before blowing his brains out. What kind of sicko even thinks of that?? ~


~ I don't even know Lil. This is all so surreal ~

I continued watching the broadcast. Apparently The Riddler had got Colson to admit he was corrupt. 10k a month to avoid prosecuting certain cases, or something like that.


I turned the TV off and sat in silence.

Were my parents right after all? Gotham is dirty. These are the people meant to keep us safe. Maybe this 'Riddler' was a blessing in disguise.

I shook the thought from my brain.

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