Chapter 11: Something in the Way

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I'd been watching Don for a while.

Keeping a note of his comings and goings.

Don had promised time and time again that he would clean up this shithole of a city.

And people believed him.

But Don was a liar. A corrupt man.

I'd used my resources at work to look into the Mayor's finances. I discovered a while back that he had been receiving thousands upon thousands in kickbacks.

He had been rinsing the Renewal Corporation dry.

And he was tied closely to some very, very bad people.

I knew he had to be the first.

Gotham wasn't going to heal with him in charge. So I placed him at the top of my list.

My followers had finally helped me decide on Halloween night. It was perfect. Don would be at home preparing for the upcoming election, and his wife and son would be out trick-or-treating.

I'd been preparing for weeks. Had perfected my disguise and everything.

The night arrived.

Don made it very easy for me, to say the least.

I managed to slip through an open window with ease.

He stood with his back to me, a glass of whiskey in hand. He was muttering something about the election broadcast he was watching on TV.

I approached slowly, trying to avoid making any loud noise with my boots. My body felt electric, pumped up on adrenaline.

I finally hit him over the head. He collapsed to the floor like a deadweight.

I hit him a couple more times for good measure.

As I straddled the dead corpse, I felt like I had never felt before. Powerful. Important.

I wrapped his hands and legs together before wrapping his head in duck tape.

No more lies.


I slid back out of the Mitchell Manor and made my way into a nearby alley to change. I shoved my disguise into my backpack.

I walked home after with a new spring in my step.

This was just the beginning.

I decided that I would pass by Will's on my way home. I needed to make sure that (Y/N) was okay.

With my head lowered I passed by the front window. I glanced inside and saw her.

She was laughing at something a customer had said. She had dressed up as a nurse. White stockings coming up just above the knee, exposing some of the bare skin of her upper thighs. Her lips were painted a dark crimson shade.

Fuck. She looked so good.

You can't go in there, Edward. Not like this. Not tonight.

I pushed through the desire and walked straight home. A painful urge growing in my pants.

This had to be the best night of my life.

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