Chapter 37: Me and My Husband (we're doing better)

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I was awoken early the next morning by the sound of banging on my front door. Startled, I rolled over in bed to glance at my alarm clock.


"Jesus Christ..." I mumbled to myself, flinging the duvet off my body.

I dragged myself to the source of the noise, not bothering to put on any pants, despite my apartment being so cold I could see my breath in front of me. I rubbed my eyes and combed my fingers through my bed head before peering through peephole.

There he was. After over a week of radio silence, Eddie stood on the other side of my door. Dressed in his signature blue coat, he wore a shirt and tie covered by a vintage-looking sweater underneath. His hair was combed neatly into place. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose awkwardly with one hand. His other grasped onto a large bouquet of flowers. I turned the lock and opened the door, waiting for him to be the one to break the silence first.

"Hi". Was all he managed to say. A small, apologetic smile plastered on his face.

"Hey". I replied. Face as blank as a freshly opened canvas.

"H- how are you?" He shuffled on his feet, avoiding any direct eye contact.


"Um... these are for you". He stuck his arm out towards me, handing me the bouquet. He was trembling slightly.

"Thanks". I managed to smile back, though it probably resembled something more of a grimace.

"Can I... um... can I come in?"

"Sure". I moved my body to the side, gesturing for him to enter with my hand. He slowly and awkwardly made his way into my living room.

"Can I get you a coffee? My mom and dad just sent me this new coffee machine as a 'get well soon' gift. It makes a mean latte". I shouted from the kitchen, arranging the flowers in a jug of water.

Way to keep up appearances, (Y/N).

"I can't stay. I'm on my way to work". He shouted back. His voice cracking at the end of his sentence.

"Oh... I see". I muttered, emerging from the kitchen. I leant my weight against the wall opposite from him, crossing my arms over my chest.

Another fucking disappointment.

"I jus- I just wanted to apologise. For... um... falling off the radar..."

"I'm sorry... "falling off the radar"? I haven't heard from you in over a week, Eddie! No texts... no calls... no anything! And what was that stunt you pulled when you brought me home from the hospital? I don't know Eddie... you've changed. You've become all... distant all of a sudden. Volatile. Like a fucking detonator waiting to go off". I sighed, plonking myself down on the couch. He followed suit, making sure to keep a respectable distance between us.

"I- I know... (Y/N), I'm so sorry. I've been an awful boyfriend recently. It's just... work has been so stressful. But I know that's not an excuse. Plus I've felt so... guilty... about what happened to you. I'm supposed to be the one to protect you. And I've fucked everything up..." With that, he started to sob. Head in his hands. Hair now a ruffled mess.

"Oh Eddie... how many time do I have to tell you? It. Wasn't. Your. Fault. You need to let it go... I have. I just want to move on with my life and forget it happened. I just- I just wished you talked to me more. Communicated a little. You're busy? Send me a text. Stressed? Call me. That's what partners do. They're there for each other, through thick and thin. Eddie, I love you. More than I've ever loved anyone before. You need to stop pushing me away". I placed my palm on his back, rubbing it in a reassuring way.

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