Chapter 30: You Don't Own Me

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"Oh my god! Your place is so cute!" Lily squealed as she tossed her jacket on my couch and wrapped her arms around me. She was dressed in a 70s-style one piece. Her heeled boots meant that she towered over me, even more so than usual. I'd opted for a floral-print mini skirt, a bell-sleeved top and some kitten heels. Our outfits actually paired pretty well together. Lily didn't live too far away from me, so I thought it would be a good idea for her to meet me at my place so we could get a taxi to Tom's together.

It was 8:25 pm.

"Okay so... Tom's place is like a 20 minute drive from here. So I was thinking..." She paused her sentence to pull a bottle of tequila out of her bag.

I hated tequila now.

She continued.

"Maybe we could do a couple of shots to get us started?" She smiled a toothy grin, waving the bottle in front of my face.

"Ugh... fine. I'll get the shot glasses..." I sighed, she giggled at my compliance.

I made my way over to my cupboards and pulled out two shot glasses, placing them on the kitchen counter. Lily filled them both right to the top and handed me one, spilling a slight bit onto the floor as she did so.

"To Will". She lifted her glass up to mine and nodded.

"To Will... I guess..." I lifted my glass too, clinking it with hers before we both downed the clear, golden liquid. I took a minute to appreciate the warm feeling the liquor had left in my throat.

"Fuck it. I'll take another". I gestured to the bottle.

"That's my girl". Lily giggled as she refilled our glasses.

"To a good night with good people. Getting fucked up and not giving a fuck". I toasted this time, raising my glass to Lily.

"Cheers to that". She clinked her glass to mine before we downed the liquid again.

"Ugh I hate tequila". Lily gagged, her face scrunched up in disgust.

"Yeah girl... you and me both. Anyway... we better get going". I laughed.

"Okay, I'll ring for the taxi now". She replied, shoving the tequila back into her bag and pulling out her phone.


Tom lived in a fancy penthouse near what Lily pointed out to be the Wayne Tower. We exited the taxi and I stood in disgust, looking up at the gigantic building.

"Tom lives here? Are you sure?" I raised my eyebrow at Lily.

"Yup. Well... this is the address he gave me anyway". She tilted her phone screen towards me.

"Never would have guessed that Tom was cosplaying as poor". I snarked.

"I think it's his mom and dad's place. Both are big city bankers". She added.

"No shit". I whispered, quiet enough that she couldn't hear me.

"C'mon". Lily grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. We were greeted by a tall man dressed in an expensive looking, navy blue suit. He asked us for our names and then sent us in the direction of the elevator. Tom lived on floor fifty something, I think. Very high up, regardless. We both stood in front of his door, giving each other one last look before I took my knuckles and knocked a couple of times. Tom answered almost instantly.

"(Y/N)! Lily! My favourite girls EVER..." He shouted. Loud enough for all of Gotham to hear, pupils blown wide.


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