Chapter 27: You Can Stay

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"I suppose you've heard the news then?" I asked. Well, something in-between a question and a statement.

"Yup. The police just left like 15 minutes ago. I can't believe this (Y/N). I mean... I know Will wasn't an amazing guy but... why would The Riddler kill him? Will... of all people?! I've been racking my brain over and over..."

"Did the police not show you the... um... the video?" I stuttered, scratching the back of my head as if she could see.

"Pardon? There's a fucking video?!" Lily screamed, prompting me to swiftly withdraw my phone from next to my ear.

"I don't reckon it'll be long before every news channel has their filthy hands on it, Lil. It's a video of him... The Riddler, I mean". I paused and took a deep breath before continuing.

"All I'm gonna say is... it seems that Will wasn't the holy saint most people perceived him to be..." My words trailed off.

"Who fucking showed you that, anyway?" She sounded angry.

"You'll never fucking guess, Lily".

"Who?!" She shouted, even louder this time.

"The. Fucking. Batman. Not just some random dude dressed up like him in a shitty knock-off costume. The Batman. The real deal. I kid you not I almost shit myself when I opened the door and he was stood there".

"Holy shit..." Lily whispered.

"Yup". I confirmed.

"Wh- what is he like?"

"Quiet. Real quiet. Barely said a word. Lieutenant Gordon did most of the talking. And tall. Fucking tall. Like... 'had to duck under my doorframe' kinda tall".

"No way girl... I can't believe you got a private visit from the vigilante himself. Gordon too. I've heard he's the lead man on The Riddler case. I just don't get why THEY of all people broke the news to YOU". I sensed a slight bit of jealously in her tone.

Not the time, Lily.

"You and me both girl. Anyway... who dropped the bombshell on you?" I questioned.

"Just some rookie and a Captain. Anderson, maybe? I don't know honestly... was more concerned with the news than who was telling it to me..."

No way. No fucking way!

"Anderson hmm?"

"Think so... you know the guy?"

"The name rings a bell..." I lied.

"Anyway... when d'you reckon the funeral is gonna be?" Lily changed the subject. Thank god.

"I'm not sure... maybe sometime next week. It'll probably be low-key anyway... after what happened with... well, y'know..." My words trailed off again.

"That's true... do you reckon we'll get an invite?" Lily questioned further, expecting me to have all the answers.

"I don't know... I guess we'll have to wait and see".

"Yeah I guess so..."

"Tom isn't still hosting that party on Monday, is he?" Me asking the questions this time.

"Pretty sure he is. Please tell me you're still going!!" Lily responded.

"Oh god, Lil! I don't know. Is it not a bit... disrespectful? I mean... our boss has literally just been brutally murdered in his own home and we're out getting wasted. It's not exactly a good look..." I started to bite my nails nervously.

"I guess you're right, (Y/N). I'll speak to Tom about it".

"Thank you". I sighed.

"I'm gonna go and enjoy unemployment.  I'll check in with you in a bit. Love ya lots".

"Love ya too. Speak to you soon".

She made her signature kissy sound down the phone before hanging up.

Almost immediately after laying my phone down on the couch, it rang again. I sighed out of frustration, just wishing the world would slow down for a moment. Wishing people would just leave me alone. Wishing all of this was just a bad dream that I'd wake up from in a few minutes.

Without stopping to check the caller ID I picked up the phone, mainly to silence the annoying ring tone that was piercing my ears.

"Yeah?" I asked bluntly, not caring about any formalities.



"I'm so sorry for not replying to your text last night. Work was just so busy. I've just heard the news... about your boss. (Y/N), I am so very sorry". Eddie's voice was soft. Sympathetic. So genuine and kind that it almost brought me to tears again.

"Oh, Eddie. You don't know how nice it is to hear your voice. I genuinely can't believe all of this, Eddie. Everything feels so surreal".

"I bet it does, angel. I really am sorry. I don't suppose you know anything about the future of your job?" He inquired.

"It's not your fault, Eddie. You don't need to apologise. Also, we've all been granted paid leave for the foreseeable future. I think Will's dad will be overseeing things from here on out..."

Silence filled the line.

"Are you- um... do you need any company... right now? I could come over to yours? Bring some food? Share a bottle of wine even? Y'know.... only if you'd like". He stumbled through his words, something I noticed he did often when we was nervous to make the first move.

"That sounds perfect, Eddie. Thank you". I let out a long breath in contentment.

"Okay! I'll see you soon then".

"See you soon, Eddie".

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