{Rework} Chapter 8: Just the 2 of us +1

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Mike lies on his bed, his body aching from the beach. He acknowledges that he misses the bed despite having just been gone once. It's more comfortable, and he may sleep without disturbing others. Once his mind has settled, he is instantly startled by his phone bombarding him with alerts.

Dave is his best buddy. He hasn't heard from him in a long time. He noticed he had three missed calls and wondered what was up with him. When the phone rang, the door opened to show Liam, shirtless and clutching some clothing. Mike was surprised, causing him to drop his phone from the sudden loud noise, grabbing the musician's attention.

Liam apologizes for not knocking and hastily picks up the doctor's phone. Explaining that he thought he was with Zedd and the other, who went out to get supplies for tomorrow's BBQ before the major event.

Liam then asked where he could find Richard. to which the doctor responds.

"Um, I think I heard him say he's going for a walk... You can leave his belongings by his bedside, I'll tell him you dropped it off," Mike says, cheerfully collecting his phone and returning to what he was doing before.

However as Liam places and folds the clothes at Richard's bedside, he can't help but admire the man's physique, he admits he became more healthy compared to when they were dating. his muscles showing as the man moves his arms. Liam noticed that the doctor was staring and when he looks in his direction, he saw the doctor smiling

"What?" Liam spoke, a smile forming as he continue to fold the clothes.

The doctor said, "Nothing," and the musician told him to spit it out. jokingly asking whether he is checking him out or something. which the doctor disputed, claiming that he was only appreciating his growth. In comparison to the previous time he saw him, which was a few years ago, he said that he had started taking better care of himself.

After folding everything, Liam sat at Richard's bedside, his face fixed on the man who was seated cross-legged. He acknowledges that in the past he didn't give a damn about how he looked because his supporters always like him regardless of how he appeared. I suppose it's what caused him to become unstable, and wreckless. In addition, his alcohol consumption worsened, etc.

He is currently attempting to not allow his previous transgressions to define him; instead, he will take care of himself, pursue his passions, and spend time with those who are important to him. And he's happy that he can now finally claim to be one of his close friends.

The musician smiled at him before making his way out of their bedroom when the doctor stopped him for a moment... Thanking him for yesterday,... the man replied "You're welcome, that's what friends do" He smiled before closing the door.

A few hours have passed and the others are still not back. Mike gets up from his bed and heads to the living room, a beautiful melody was playing downstairs and he knows it could only be Liam.

When he got there, he discovered Liam sitting on the couch with the guitar, a pen, and some paper. He was wearing a white t-shirt. Mike sat next to him and asked where he got the guitar. Adding that he knew he didn't bring one.

Liam replied that he had seen it on a display by the stairs and had called Nash to ask if he may borrow it; the latter had agreed, provided Liam signed it. He began playing the guitar and singing a tune. He seems to have only completed part of the puzzle, judging from his face. He has been scribbling on the page so much that it is hardly legible.

Don't even think about it, the doctor advised, raising his hand to announce that he is utterly bad at writing music. "I already have the chorus but I don't know what to write on the verse everything seems dull and uninspired.

Second Chance In Love (Liam Payne x Dr. Mike)Where stories live. Discover now