Chapter 20: I'm Cold

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The sun just set half an hour ago, the sky became dark, and the stars filled that darkness with its light. The house illuminate itself while Nash and Zedd pulled the Karaoke Machine towards the others, who are close to the campfire, forming a circle around it, wanting the warmth that the flame radiates.

"Alright, the last cold beer" Taron responds as he digs through the ice cooler., seeking more but appears it's the only one left. The others react, saying that he had way too many already. Not willing to give up easily. Richard suggested that they should play a game to see who would get the last beer. Everyone agreed, not for the sake of the beer, but just to have fun and enjoy.

"So what game should we play?" Zedd asked, pumped up for some reason. The other wonders, yet no one suggests anything, Taron was about to steal back his beer only to be slapped from the wrist by his best friend. "How about, A race?"

The others raise their eyebrow, uncertain if that's the best approach to settle who deserves the beer? "Why don't I just grab more beers in the fridge?" Arfeah asks, who just arrived at the area after grabbing a jacket.

"There's more?" Nash asked, confused as he thought that they already drank all of it. His wife explained that earlier she knows that the beers aren't enough to satisfy all of them so she asks Pollen(her maid) to buy some more and place them in the walk-in fridge in the basement cause their fridge is already full.

"I can grab them if you want, I need to charge my phone anyway," Mike said and they agreed while Taron stole the beer from Richard. He ask if he needs a helping hand and the doctor replied that he was fine but thanked him anyway.


At Liam and Mike's room, the musician laying lazily on his bed, questioning what is the purpose of the feelings he has been having. Because it's making him into something that even he doesn't know who. A person may be obsessed with the person he hurt the most, but the thing is he already forgives him. He wants to be friends again... Actually, they already are but, is it bad to ask for more?

He closes his eyes and buried his thought as he listens to the music playing on his AirPods.

Not long after the door opened and he didn't hear nor felt the vibration of the ground.

Liam's instincts kicked in when he felt someone touch his forehead. His eyes open wide and saw that the doctor was right in front of him, with a face of confusion followed by laughter.

He took one of his AirPods and heard him apologize, stating he was curious if he was alive or not. Liam giggles just at the sight of his... Friend? 'Just make up your mind Liam!!'

"Haha, I'm alive Mikhail... I mean Mike" Liam corrected himself and the doctor just smile, explaining that he shouldn't change the way he calls his name if that's what he's comfortable with. He then asks if he's going back outside or sleeping early?

Mike didn't hear any answer and just grab Liam's hand, pulling him to stand up and join the others. He didn't hesitate and just followed the doctor. Once they're outside their rooms, Mike proceeds to go downstairs as Liam continues to follow him.

He hasn't seen this part of the mansion, it was quite dark and a bit cold for some reason. He then found the light switch and the room illuminated, revealing a metal door, a bit open causing some cold air to leak out and spread through the whole room.

Liam questions why they're here and Mike replied that he's here to grab beers. The two heads inside, observing the meat and other stuff piled on the walk-in fridge. Mike notices a screen monitor showing the temperature of the walk-in fridge.

"50°F it should be at least 45° F below to slow the growth of bacteria"

He was fascinated and adjusted the temperature to 45° before heading inside.

Second Chance In Love (Liam Payne x Dr. Mike)Where stories live. Discover now