Chapter 12: The Doctor's fear

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At the kitchen

"Liam, Charlie, Shawn who is hungry?" Janice asks holding a spatula and wearing an apron.

"Good morning guys" Zedd waves at the table and they sat down.

"Where is Nash and the others?" Shawn asks after grabbing some pancakes from the tray.

Janice sat down with them and said that Nash is currently talking to his assistant about tomorrow's event while Arfeah I think is in a meeting somewhere" Janice respond handing the syrup to Charlie.

"Speaking of others have you guys seen Mikhail?" Liam casually asks as he grabs a piece of bread.

The others look at him with curiosity in their eyes.

"Oh I saw him talking to Nash earlier" Buck replied pointing outside.

"Why do you call him Mikhail?" Zedd asks the pop star after taking a bite.

"Yeah? Isn't  Mike easier?" Shawn added.

At this point everyone is curious and Liam is starting to regret his choices.

Liam was about to answer when he heard footsteps. He turns around and the man himself showed up, wearing those tight clothes, with his muscle molded on the fabric.

"Perfect timing, Mike we were just talking about you" Zedd respond, and Mike asks.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh, it's nothing. We just want to know why Liam calls you Mikhail instead of Mike?" Janice replied grabbing an apple from the fridge.

Mike looks at Liam and he suddenly thought of something...

He sat next to him and looks at his eyes, "yeah Liam why do you call me Mikhail?"

Mike actually never knew the real reason why. True some of his friends call him Mikhail but when Liam says his name it hits different.

Liam started blushing and looks at Mike.

"Because I... I think Mikhail is a... Beautiful name and unique... " Liam replied stuttering, probably because of the doctor's sudden question.

Never he thought would Mikhail try to do something that adorable, the way he looks at your eyes, and tell you something makes almost anyone shiver.

"Hey did I miss something?" Nash asks after heading inside.

Mike quickly turns his head from Liam to Nash which grabs his attention.

"Oh that reminds me, Althea won't be able to pick up Alex from his friend's house but she thought maybe I can pick him up?" The doctor said.

Nash agreed and gave him the key to his car and thanks to him. Janice asks who is Alex?

Liam then replied that he is Nash's nephew and he is 12 years old. He added that he met the kid a few days ago and even had a jamming session near the fountain.

They nodded and Mike ask if they want to come with him and Althea?

Charlie, Shawn, and Zedd turn him down cause they promise to help Nash with the playlist for the party.

Eddie and Liam agreed to come with them.

"What about you Evan?" Mike asks the firefighter.

"Who me? I think you guys reach the maximum capacity, I'll just stay here and help Janice with the dishes" He respond and they nodded.

Eddie offered his seat to his husband but he decline and said that he should go. Eddie felt bad leaving his husband behind and decided to just stay.

Mike driving while Althea is in the passenger seat and Liam is at the back.

At the car

"What's the address of Alex's friend again?" Mike asks after putting on his seat belt.

"I know where to get there but forgot the actual name of the address, I ask nash to send me the address just in case" She replied as she applies lipstick.


Back at the mansion

"Why didn't you come with them, Eddie?" Buck ask.

He smiled and simply state that he doesn't want to leave his husband alone. Buck smiled and kissed Eddie on the cheek before heading to the others.

Eddie smile even more and decided to join his husband.


Zedd, Shawn, and Charlie help Nash with his playlist for the party.

"Thank you guys for doing this, I hired a guy to do it but he back down cause something urgent came up" Nash thanks them again after giving his assistant the clipboard.

"Oh no problem buddy, It's the least we can do" Shawn respond.

"Yeah, I can mix it up if you want?" Zedd suggests.

Nash like the idea and he agreed.

Janice just finished washing the dishes and was heading back to the others when he saw a person looking a bit ominous.

She followed him and saw that he is looking at the content of a room she had never been to before.

"Hey, are you lost?" She asks the man.

The man seems to be wearing shades, black shorts, and a blue shirt. He apologized and said that he can't find a restroom.

She points him to the nearest restroom and the guy thanks her.

Janice feels something off with the guy and he looks at the room that the guy was observing earlier.

It's different, room no. 32 (private). She looks at the small window on the door and only saw a chair, some papers, and a glowing cube that looks like a paperweight, and everything is way too dark to see.


Mike and the others are driving to their destination, with no cars on the way. He is vibing at the music when suddenly something crawls on his arm that made him jump.

"Ahhh" Mike yelled hitting the breaks.

Althea, who was on her makeup session, and Liam who drop his phone when he heard him scream.

"What happened, Mikhail are you alright Liam asked concerned.

"A spider crawled on my arm but I'm fine" Mike replied.

"But everyone is alright, right... How about you Althea...." He looks at her and saw eyes fierce filled with anger, her make-up ruined.

"Mike I will kill you," She said holding her make-up kit, ready to hit the doctor.

He apologizes and said that he got frightened when the spider crawled on his arm.

She looks at the spider and quickly squashes it with her high heels.

"Was that necessary Althea?" Liam asks looking at the dead spider.

She scraps the dead spider and drops it on the roadway and they proceed to drive.

"No, but if it bothers us again I'm not redoing my make-up and endangering our life again" Althea responds opening her make-up kit again.

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