Chapter 14: Little things

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Mike just drop Althea at her friend's house. She states that she might be back around 8 or 9 PM. They waved goodbye, ask her to stay out of trouble, and drove off, not even waiting for the woman's reply to Mike's remark.

On the way back

"Who wants to grab something to drink to go?" Mike asked looking at them.

"Oh me! I know a milkshake place not far from here" Alex said.

"Yeah, I haven't had one of that in a while," Liam said giving a thumbs up at him.

Mike parks the car and was about to join the two when he received a call.

"Liam, I need to take this, you two go on ahead," Mike said and Liam nodded.

The two head inside and tell them their order.  Liam looks at Mike from the window, he didn't ask him about his order but he thinks it's still the usual. When they were teenagers, Mike always order the same flavored milkshake over and over, and when it's not available he would be grumpy and grab some french fries instead.

After a while

Liam and Alex head back to the Car and see that Mike had just finished his call. 

"You two are back already? That's fast, I didn't even get to order--" Mike was cut off when Liam hands him cookies and cream flavored Milkshake. The doctor observed and yep it's the flavor he always chose.

Mike thank him and grabbed the cup

"You still remember my favorite?" Mike ask the pop star and he said that he would never forget the doctor's favorite/guilty pleasure cookies and cream milkshake.

"I can drive if you want to enjoy your shake," Liam asks and Mike declined it.
He respond that it's the least he could do since he didn't even head inside.

They entered the car and dig in on their milkshakes.

After that

Mike checks the front mirror to see if anyone is behind them, but his eyes quickly shifted to Liam and the kid laughing. Mike smile knowing that Liam is being himself again, funny, active, more him.

"What are you guys laughing about" Mike ask them yet, he only heard Liam's shushing, which made the doctors more interested.

"Sir Liam said that you screamed when a spider crawled on your arm" Alex respond and Mike just felt embarrassed.

"Liam?" Mike asks looking at Liam for a few seconds before turning his eyes back to the highway.

"Cause it's hilarious, Micha... I mean Mike" Liam corrected himself which made the doctors chuckle as he continue to drive

"Where did that spider come from?" Mike asks as he rarely sees cars having a spider on them.

The boy told him that last week, his friend's cousin brought a tarantula, he thinks that it got must have escaped when the driver drove them home. Liam ask how many spiders was his friend was carrying?

"2" Alex replied and Mike feels his anxiety level rising again.

'Did you say 2?" Mike clarified and the boy nodded. 'there is no way that both spiders escape without their notice.

"Oh look there it is" Alex pointed and Mike quickly asks where is it. The doctor look in the direction and saw nothing... He then heard Liam and Alex giggling. 

"Wow, you got me fooled HAHA" Mike sarcastically responds, and the 3 laugh. Alex then thank him and Liam for picking him up and he said that it was really fun hanging around them. It reminds him of his parents.

Second Chance In Love (Liam Payne x Dr. Mike)Where stories live. Discover now