{Rework} Chapter 2: English meet Scottish

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{Images that were used belong to their rightful owner, no copyright infringement intended}

Just added some images to make the story more interesting and lifelike... Maybe... Probably...


Liam, Anton (Zedd), and Richard arrived at the airport, unknowing that they would be riding in the same car that would take them to their destination. They waited for their buddies, with Liam texting Nash that they had just arrived. Anton (Zedd) continues to eat his sandwich while listening to demo tunes, finally enjoying a satisfying snack after a long and monotonous journey. He's seeking for a certain vocalist that would be ideal for the new song he's working on. So yet, though, none of them appear to suit that description. As he continues to listen, the musician gently taps his headphone, making him turn around and saw that their ride is here already.

 The two grab their luggage and proceed to get in the van before more paparazzi blast them with their flash cameras. Once the two get in, Nash and Arfeah gladly greet them and asked about the trip, which made Anton(Zedd) reply, boring but gave him time to listen to demos.

"I know this guy, Zedd, yesterday he told me no work or drama. I wonder what happened to that?" Liam asked, raising a brow as he stared at Anton(Zedd). The DJ raises his hands in defeat and put away the headphone, in hopes it makes his friend happy... But really it was just to stop him from blasting him with more remarks.

"Anyway... We'll just wait for Richard and then we can go" Arfeah spoke which made Liam ask about the person they were waiting for.

Nash, the driver, stated that the man they were waiting for was Richard Madden and that he hadn't visited in a long time and was grateful he decided to come. Adding that he is Scottish and attractive... The word handsome must be emphasized.

They waited some more till the man himself arrived. Liam concedes that the man is attractive; those biceps as he brings his baggage to the rear of the van, his blonde hairdo with a white stripe, and that grin as he hugs Arfeah after a long time apart.  He admits to himself that their description is spot on. 



"Mate?.. Mate? Can I..."  A voice rang in his consciousness, restoring his sense of reality. He looks up to see the Scottish man gazing at him, a smile on his face, sweetly requesting him to move so he may seat in the rear of the van.

Liam realizes what the man is implying and slides uncomfortably across to allow him enough space to sit in the back. He cursed himself for not noticing him sooner, blaming his state of mind for the lack of awareness. Nash starts driving when the man is seated and comfortable, asking if anyone is hungry? If they do get hungry, they intend to go to a drive-thru or a restaurant. The man in the rear said they ate on the plane, but a bottle of water would serve for the time being.

Arfeah opens a compartment on their van and reveals beverages, cooled already. Want to know what specific drinks they prefer?

"I'll just take diet coke"  Anton (Zedd) spoke, his gaze fixed on his phone, listening to the demos on his headphones despite the musician's warning.

"I'll have the same, what about you... Um..." Liam spoke up, giving him an opportunity to turn around and stare at him.

" Liam spoke up, giving him an opportunity to turn around and stare at him

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Second Chance In Love (Liam Payne x Dr. Mike)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat