Chapter 16: Shore

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Liam woke up from an alarm, pretty early he guesses by the view of the sky from his window.

He gets up looking where the noise was coming from... Turns out it was Mike's alarm but the doctor is nowhere to be found.

He turns around to the bathroom door... It's empty. Liam tried to get back to bed and catch some more Z but his mind kept him from falling back to sleep so he decided to head downstairs for a cup of coffee.

As he make himself some coffee, he heard a footstep and saw it was Buck... He thinks is his name. The two never really talk much.

"Good morning" Liam respond raising his coffee mug at the man followed by asking if he wants some coffee.

"Um... Yeah, thanks" the man responds, he can tell he feels tense. Just from his vibe and how he looks anywhere but him.

"It's alright Buck, that's your nickname, right?" Liam replied handing the man his coffee.

He ask why the man was tense and he respond that he didn't expect him to talk to him and added that their social status is different.

Liam smiled and told him that they are just normal people, no need to feel weird because of his social status. He added that he is just a guy who loves to sing.

Buck laughs and thanked him for the coffee and Liam responds that it's nothing.

"Looks like you two are up already" Shawn replied looking at the two in the kitchen area drinking coffee.

The Canadian ask if he could join them? And they agreed and Liam hand him a cup.


Liam decided to head to the fountain and just relax. He got to be honest, this place is starting to grow on him.

He listens to the water pouring down, the wind blowing the massive tree, and the flowers, lovely as usual.

"You're up early," An old man said, Liam was startled by the voice and quickly check who it was...

"Oh Mr. George, you startled me" Liam respond and the old man asks if he could sit beside him, which he let him.

He then ask the same question to the pop star and he replied that he couldn't go back to sleep. Liam then ask him the same question, the man replied with the exact reason as Liam.

The two sat there quietly, waiting for something that both of them don't know what. Or maybe just there to process everything.

"If you're wondering where the doctor is, he got up early and walk with the guy I saw last night... Ricardo?" Mr. George ask and Liam told him that the man's name is Richard.

He remembered last night he saw Mikhail with him, talking. It appears they know each other or just known each other last night.

He asks the old man if he's alright? He could ask Nash or let Mike check him up to see if something is physically wrong with him? Which the old man responded that it's not his back... "It's never going to be the same as my youth." He joked which made Liam laugh.

"No it's nothing, I'm just really glad I get to see my son being happier" He replied and Liam ask if Nash barely visit them? He responds that they visit them 8 times a year, each lasting around 4 to 7 days depending on the schedule.

"But I'm not referring to Nash. I'm referring to my grandson Alex" He responds and added that the kid experience a lot of pain at such a young age, he fears that someday his grandchild will become something different.

Liam assured him that Alex is a smart kid, sure he will make mistakes, but that's because he's a human. We're complicated...

Sometimes people put on a mask to hide their true selves, the soul that makes us... Us, because they fear once they know our true selves, they'll find the flaw and you'll just be another person in their life.

Second Chance In Love (Liam Payne x Dr. Mike)Where stories live. Discover now