{Rework} Chapter 5: Reminder of the Past

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{Images that were used belong to their rightful owner, no copyright infringement intended}

Just added some images and a song to make the story more interesting and lifelike... Maybe... Probably...

Author's Note at the bottom

"You and Mike... you two were together?"

A moment of silence was formed, Liam uncertain how his best friend/brother will react. He was the first person he told so the pressure was still high. But people who know the real you and stay are the real true friends.

The DJ was shocked but told him that it doesn't bother him and all, and he's glad that he told him the truth, coming out isn't always easy, especially at their time.

"What was it like?" He asked.

"It was great... and confusing at the same time. I didn't know that it was different but the memories we made were special, at least to me. It may even be something out of a love story. Mike was so polite, funny, smart, and just simply the best person I have ever met."

Liam spoke that he and the doctor were together when they were young, but when things started being more serious he started worrying more, especially with people like them in the past. Yes, it was kinda accepted, but still not as open and accepting them as today, so he did what he always does. Ruins it now before it becomes bigger later.

Many people say that he was the mature one in the band, boy was they wrong. He was acting like that because he couldn't let the fear, judgment, and all affect what he loves the most, which was his music career at the time. He had to move on with his life, and forget the past that he and Mike build, maybe then he could move on.

'But look what that made me?'

He places his hand on the musician's shoulder and told him that it's not his fault, adding that he wants to apologize even though he might not want to hear it.

"I know, but you wanna know the worse part is?"

He left him without a proper goodbye. He just wrote a letter and handed it to his sister like a coward, because he couldn't face him. The musician explained that after he left to pursue his music, Mike's mom died and he wasn't there for him. The person he loves the most just lost his loving mother. He wanted to go there and comfort him like he used to, but with his schedule and terrible management, he just couldn't make it in time.

When he finally arrived... He was too late. He found out that they moved and the neighbors doesn't know where. But it was a sign for Liam that he failed and just moved on, he didn't fight his problems head-on, didn't man up, and chose what was really important to him at the time.

"With that, I started drinking my problems away"

DJ added that's where the drinking started. Hoping the alcohol will make you forget the mistakes and regret you made in your life... It did. For a while, the beverages with the hectic schedule made him forget the pain until the effects wear off and you become miserable again. It became his coping mechanism to the point that he was addicted to it.

Before Liam can continue somebody knocked on the door and asked if they are still asleep. Reminding them about the yacht party later. Anton spoke that they will be out in a minute and they quickly started getting their things and preparing for the party.

But before Liam was about to leave, Anton stopped him.

"Thank you, for telling me"

Liam felt the pressure that he has been carrying for so long weightless, it wasn't enough but speaking to someone about it made him feel thankful for having such a great friend beside him.

Second Chance In Love (Liam Payne x Dr. Mike)Where stories live. Discover now