namseok -2

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Namjoon walking back and forth in his room. He don't know what gotten in to him when jimin offers himself on his studio for a minute he slipped in his mind and kissed him. jimin looks so fuckable in that outfit and so tempting it's been so long he get intimate with hobi and it's not hobi's fault he is busy with his schedule and stuffs. He kept only secret from hobi that's jimin proposed him onetime in his studio yes that's true jimin loves namjoon but namjoon have only interest on hobi, he rejected immediately jimin and told to him he loves only hobi and he can't live with out him. Hobi is the gem he got in his life. Hobi always put namjoon needs before himself, always cares for the latter. Namjoon is so possessive he don't like when some one touch or look at hobi so hobi didn't give any chance to get namjoon jealous. He always makes sure he doesn't give any hope for the other two maknaes in his group. Hobi wants namjoon to himself only, and the one he strongly disagree and dislike is sharing his boyfriend. Hobi don't like namjoon ship with jin even.

Namjoon can't sleep, he knows he fucked up and hobi won't forgive him, he can't wait and beg for the forgiveness but the thing disturbing him is what if hobi gives the youngers a chance. He can't see his hobi get touched or loved by other man.
He is getting impatient he wants to see him. He decided to go jin's room one more time.

Namjoon walked to jin's and yoongi's room when he reached the room he heard the sobbing sound, he knows it's his man hobaa is crying. He peeped through the door to know what's happening in that room.

Hobi is crying in jin's arms, his eyes looks tired and his hair is messy, namjoon can't help himself when he looked at the figure. Hobi sobbing in jin's arms.

"Hyung.... This is too much pain. Why the hell this is hurting this much".

"Seokiee.... Please baby.. Don't cry... Hyung can't stand by your crying".

"Hyungiee... I wanted to sleep. I wanted to forget him "

Namjoon shocked to hear what hobi said. He opened the door. And walked to hobi.

"You can't forget me seokiee, am accepting it's my fault but you should hear my explanation too, give me a chance to explain please"

"Who the hell give you the permission to enter my room " jin seethed to namjoon.

"Am talking to him jin not you so just stay shut the fuck up"

"What the hell do you think who you are you fucking bloody cheat"jin retreated.

Namjoon is burning in anger when jin called him a cheater.

"Jin hyung stop it befor i do something we will regret later "

"Ohh... You will hit me joon right? You can do what ever you want, but i swear to my soul you are not going to take or talk to my hobi"

"He is mine, don't call him your hobi"

Hobi had enough. So he shouted from his lungs.

"Am no ones, and particularly am nothing to a cheater like you "hobi glared to namjoon.

"You are mine hobi, mine am the one who makes you feel loved right? So you are mine" namjoon not ready to back off.

This time other 4 enter the room at the same time. Yoongi, jimin, jungkook, and taehyung.

When yoongi saw hobi is crying and yelling at namjoon he knows namjoon did something again.

"Why the hell are you creating some secene in the middle of the night namjoon just get out "

"Am not going out, i want him and am going to talk him other wise i will make him listen to me" namjoon loose all his shit he even   don't know himself what he is talking or doing.

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