Chapter 36

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"Nai." Nai turned. Ikk took a seat beside Nai. They're having dinner around the fire. The staff had helped them to set up fire and cook. The luck was on their site, there's no sign of raining so everyone was enjoying themselves. There were 3 big tents that can fit 4 people each and 3 small extra tents that Lucas requested to be set up at the site rented for them. Team 1 now had 12 people and not all of them opted for bringing their plus one or family as for their retreat this time going to camp out.

"What?" Nai asked when Ikk said nothing for some time. Ikk just smiled.

"Nothing important but you looked trouble. Since we're driving to come here." Ikk said. Nai glanced at the elder and shook his head.

"Nothing, P'." Nai said. Ikk nodded as if he got the implicit message from that word. Not here.

The two said nothing and just enjoyed the moment. Everyone was eating and having fun talking here and there. Tee was the hot subject among them, as they're interviewing the ex-intern about his current life. Tee chuckled when one of them asked about his love life.

"I'm still single, P'."

"Heeh, how come? I still never believe this, you know." The lady said. Tee just smiled lightly.

"I have no reason to lie." Tee added. They sighed collectively.

"Ay, nong. You're no fun." Tee laughed at their reaction. Lisa moved her hands at them.

"Enough, enough. Don't pry on Tee's private life. You guys have no right to do this, busybodies."

They huffed. "You're no fun as well, N'Lisa. We're just curious about our team cutie."

"He's no longer our co-worker at this moment." Lisa said raising her brow.

"Ao, P'Lisa." Tee gave her a puppy look. Lisa exhaled.

"I mean-"

"You're so mean to nong." A guy said and hugged Tee dramatically. Tee just chuckled at their attic. Lucas who earlier went to somewhere came to join them.

"What is this commotion about?" Lucas said taking the empty seat beside Tee. Tee gave a smile to Lucas.

"We're just teasing each other." One of them said. "Yeah, P'Lucas. Do you believe Tee is single?"

Lucas raised his brow at the question and looked at Tee. "They're asking about this?" Tee just nodded. Lucas then looked at them. "Well, Tee has no reason to lie, is he?"

"Heh, what's with the matching answer?" They said. Lucas tilted his head and looked at Tee. Tee was giggling.


"Nothing, P'." Tee said in his giggle. Everyone was smiling teasingly.

"Ah, N'Tee came as P'Lucas's plus one... ehhhh?" One of them said. Lisa who heard that also agreed with that conclusion. Lucas frowned while Tee startled.

"Ao!" Lisa pointed at them. "How, when?"

"Oy! That's not true!" Lucas said and placed his arms around Tee. "We're just phi-nong. Right?" Tee nodded to Lucas. They're still teasing though. Lucas and Tee just shook their head. These people really loved to make up things. Lisa upon hearing Lucas's words believed it because she knew Lucas never lie if it's about relationship.

Kin who was just watching and listening to them just shook his head. 'These stupid...'

"Yo, yo. Enough with the teasing. How about we conclude our dinner and then play some game?" Kin said loud and clear. Everyone's attention was on him. They shouted agree collectively and decided to finish their food. Lucas's eyes met Kin's and the elder gave a thank-you smile. Kin smiled back.

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