Chapter 6

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"Hm? P'Lucas is not in?" Lisa asked as soon as she arrived at her desk. She's a bit late today but usually Lucas would always arrive before her and already worked at his desk. So, to see the empty desk made her questioned.

Tee who heard her turned to Lisa. "P'Lucas already arrived but he's summoned to somewhere by our boss, P'Lisa." Tee answered. He was there when Lucas received the call. He's not sure why their boss asked Lucas to go somewhere as Lucas also didn't know. They just made a guess maybe the boss had a morning meeting Lucas didn't get notified and wanted to go there straight without coming in first. But that's just the conclusion they reached before Lucas left. Now, he didn't know and only could wait for Lucas' return.

Tee was hoping Lucas will return before lunch as supposedly today Tee will go out for lunch with his brother. Yim had a day off today and asked if they could eat together during lunch. For this, Tee asked his brother if he could bring his senior together as they usually had lunch together. Yim was okay as he also wanted to meet Tee's co-workers. Tee had asked Lucas earlier and Lucas agreed. So, Tee was excited to introduce them and hoped Lucas will make it later.

While with Lucas, he's glaring hotly at the back of his boss who was walking along the hall. That boss of his had the audacity to summon him outside just because he needed someone to bring some stuff for him. He knew he's an assistant but the menial things like this, Lucas thought it's faster that he got some help from the staff at the lobby. He was purposely called down. Lucas rolled his eyes and stared at the heavy box in his hold. What the fuck inside this box?

"Bring the box to my office. I will be meeting the CEO for a while." Nai said as they stepped into the elevator. Lucas just nodded. "What's my schedule again today?" Nai asked. Lucas blinked trying to remember.

"No meeting before lunch. You have some documents need your attention, I have put it on your desk earlier. Around 3 pm, you have a department meeting sir." Lucas answered. Nai nodded.

"I need you to come with me during lunch." Nai said. Lucas blinked.


"Don't get me wrong, I'm not inviting you for lunch. I have to meet a client on behalf of my uncle. That's why I'm going to see him right now to know the details." Nai said. Lucas rolled his eyes at Nai's first sentence. He then remembered Nai being the nephew of the CEO. Even though Nai's title in the company didn't really require him to meet people outside, being the one who will inherit the company the CEO had started to expose Nai to the real business. Lucas had heard about Nai being the next CEO from a senior he knew who worked in the managerial team.

"Okay. Just let me know the time and place, sir."

"We will go from the office together. Just don't go for lunch and wait for me later." Nai said. Lucas just nodded. They then arrived at their office floor and Lucas stepped up. Nai continued to go up to meet the CEO. Lucas walked to their office main door and got inside. Some workers stationed near the entrance greeted him. Lucas greeted them back albeit not very sunny like his usual. It had been a while for them to see the sunshine smile. It's now just polite smile. It's quite a pity for them all but they can't be too cruel asking about it when they all could see how Lucas had been burdened by works after the new boss came in. They really disliked the boss for making them lose their sunshine but no one can deny they're having feast with the handsome boss too.

Lucas walked to Nai's office. Lisa noticed he came and greeted Lucas. Lucas greeted her back. Tee heard his voice and turned. At the same time, Lucas' eyes also landed on Tee because of the movement. He then remembered something.

"Oh no." Lucas furrowed his brow. Tee noticed as he was still looking at Lucas. Lucas gave a signal to wait and then he went inside Nai's office to place the heavy box. He then came out again and walked to Tee. Tee already anticipated him as the intern got the signal earlier. "Tee."

Mr. Boss, His Assistant and The InternOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant