Chapter 12

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"Fetch these files."

"Make few copies of this and send out to the list. Do it now!"

"Prepare these letters and emailed it out before lunch."

"Bring my coffee, don't dilly-dally."

"Go to Team 2 and get these documents from them."

"Fix these, you make mistakes! Are you dumb?"

"Where's this week's report?!"

"Lucas! Coffee."

Lucas gritted his teeth as he begrudgingly made the coffee Nai requested just now. He didn't know what happened to Nai but since Monday, that annoying boss of him kept torturing him again with so many works and it's now already going on for three days. Lucas was near to blow up when Nai picked up a mistake that obviously not his but still putting it on him, again.

Lucas came out from the pantry and almost bumped to someone. Luckily, he managed to stop and not spill the hot coffee in his hand. "Oops, sorry Lucas."

Lucas looked up. "Director. I'm sorry."

"Nah, I'm at fault. Why you're so in rush?" Ikk asked Lucas. Lucas was about to answer when Nai's office door opened and that annoying voice rang.

"Why you take so long just to make a coffee, Khun Lucas?! Uh, never mind, I have been summoned to the CEO's office. Where's the blue file I gave you earlier?" Nai talked as he looked straight at Lucas and didn't even realize Ikk was there.

Lucas's eyes twitched and the annoyed smile plastered on his lips. "Sir, I just about to send the coffee. Not 5 minutes passed since you asked for coffee." Lucas said with gritting teeth. Nai narrowed his eyes on his assistant. He then realized Ikk stood there.

"P'Ikk." Ikk just smiled as Nai acknowledged his presence. But his eyes watched Nai for a while.

"I come to talk with you but seems uncle's calling for you." Nai nodded. Ikk nodded back. "Then, come to my office after you're done."

"Krub." Nai agreed. Ikk smiled and patted Lucas' shoulder as he walked off with his assistant. Lucas bowed slightly to the leaving director and stared at Nai.

Everyone secretly glanced at the two. No one dared to make any noise or big movement, pretending that they weren't there. Everyone in the team noticed how Nai was irritated since Monday. And the victim to it was surely Lucas. They seriously didn't know what to do, everyone pitied Lucas.

"The blue file." Nai said glaring at Lucas. Lucas walked towards his desk, placing down the coffee mug rather noisily and grabbed the file Nai wanted.

"Here you go, boss." Lucas said calmly but his tone rather hard. Nai just raised his brow and ignored his assistant taking the file. He then just walked off to meet the CEO. Lucas clenched his fist as he glared hotly at the leaving back. He then scoffed and sat down.

The silence continued eerily. No one dared to say anything as they could clearly see Lucas was fuming. It's the second time they ever see that face. Just the same one during the time Lucas first raised his voice and got angry with their boss.

Kin's eyes caught Tee's who looked at Lucas worriedly. Tee had been watching on Lucas, he's actually questioning why Nai was being hard on Lucas since Monday. "Tee." Kin whispered. Tee heard it and turned to the senior.


"Want to do something for P'Lucas?" Kin asked. Tee blinked before nodding. "Let's talk at the pantry." Kin said and got up. Tee followed after. Lisa saw them and felt curious. She then followed them as well. Lucas didn't realize as he was doing his work.

Mr. Boss, His Assistant and The InternHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin