Chapter 21

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"Quick, it's a free lunch." Kin said as he pulled Lisa and Tee to come with him. Tee just chuckled while Lisa shook her head.

"There's no need to rush, P'Kin. It will be enough for everyone." Lisa said. Kin just grinned. He then realized Lucas didn't come with them. He let go the hands and turned to look. Lucas was still at his desk. He stopped making the other two stopped as well.

"P'Lucas. You're not coming?" Kin asked. Lucas looked up.

"Yeah, coming." Lucas said. At the same time, Nai's office door opened. Lucas glanced to the sound. Nai saw his assistant.

"Going to the party?" Nai asked. Lucas nodded. Nai hummed and walked forward. Lucas didn't say anything and walked as well. Kin who noticed their boss coming turned around and walked first. Lisa blinked and realized Kin tried to go first possibly didn't want to walk with the boss avoiding awkwardness. She also walked first getting the hint. Tee on the other hand didn't understand and waited for Lucas. Nai saw Tee and smiled lightly as he came closer.

"Hi, nong." Tee startled and bowed slightly to his boss. Lucas just watched as he was a bit behind them. "You're going to the party too, right? Come on." Nai said. Tee blinked before nodding. He glanced at Lucas who just smiled mildly. Nai waited for them to walk with him but Tee made sure he was in step with Lucas instead, feeling weird to walk with their boss. He then understood why Kin and Lisa went first.

Lucas didn't know what to do. Luckily, Kin, Lisa and another guy from their team were still waiting for elevator. So, Nai, Lucas and Tee joined them. At that, Lucas managed to shift his place to group with Kin and Lisa. Tee didn't move that fast that he ended up in the middle of his co-workers and his boss. That stayed the same when they're in the elevator. Nai didn't say anything as there's other people but Lucas noticed Nai kept glancing and smiling secretly towards Tee. He looked away. Kin, Lisa and the other guy were facing forward so they didn't notice the things happened at the back.

They arrived at the destination. There are some people who also just arrived and making their way to the room that Julia's retirement party was held. Tee managed to walk with Kin and Lisa while Lucas had to maintain his walk with Nai as his boss is there and he should be the assistant he is.

"The big people will only be P'Ikk, right?" Nai asked to Lucas. Lucas who didn't expect the question delayed in answering him.

"Ah, yes. As far as I know, it's only our department." Nai nodded to the answer.

They then got into the room. Nai and Lucas walked towards the other managers were gathering. The rest were spreading around for food and meeting other friends. Tee just followed Kin and Lisa.

"I think this is a party. Why they're so serious over there?" Lisa whispered to Kin and Tee while taking the food. Kin and Tee glanced over the direction Lisa was looking at. Tee saw Lucas and their boss.

"It's the other teams' managers, right?" Kin said. Lisa nodded.

"Oh yeah, Khun Danai is a relative to Khun Julia. Right?" Lisa asked to Kin. Kin thought for a while and nodded.

"Yes, that's true. Hm. It's soon to be Khun Danai's retirement too, is it?" Kin commented. Lisa just shrugged and then turned to Tee.

"Why you're so silent?" Tee startled when Lisa nudged him.

"Ah, nothing." Tee said giving a small smile before continue to take food. After they're done, the three searched for a place to sit and eat. Thankfully they managed to get a seat. They ate and talked a bit. Tee glanced few times towards Lucas's direction, noticing that he's yet to eat. Tee felt bad for him. While he's thinking away about Lucas, the assigned MC for the party tapped the Bluetooth microphone he was holding to get everyone's attention.

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