Chapter 17

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(18/01/22) A/N: Hello everyone. Firstly, it's not too late right to wish you Happy New Year? Hehe, yeah Happy New Year everyone. I purposely bring up my A/N on the start of chapter because to wish you that and also say something. So, I actually want and have the mood to update around the first week but I just had to see the pet peeve comment on this story... so yeah you know what happen. So, pretty sure people didn't read my words in the very first chapter is it? IDK. But as I said before, it's not my fault na I have warned and your fellow comrade didn't read it making it uncomfortable for me and for you not getting the early update. Anyway, I just notice the function mute in this site, so after this if I saw that pet peeve comment again, Imma just mute you lol, I have warned yeah. Okay, that's all. I hope you enjoyed the update. And also hopefully you're in your best condition, healthy and happy ^^ I will try my best to keep writing because after all I want all my ongoing stories met its ending as I promised. I will try my best to not stray away too much 🙏 Pardon any mistakes you found, very welcomed to comment it down. See you later when I update a new story chapter~ COMMENTS ARE LOVED~


Lisa glanced at her two seniors back and forth. She didn't know what happened but the two looked pretty distracted all the time. Apparently, not only her noticed this. Tee and few others also noticed this.

Well, everyone would notice if Lucas' mood changed slightly. Sadly, it happened too often these days that they slowly tried to tune with the new change. No more the bright sun, sure sometimes Lucas was lively and smiley but it's never the same anymore since they received the new boss. And today, when Lucas looked a bit distant and cold, they just had to let it go and try to work around.

But when Kin also looked distracted, everyone felt a bit confused. No, overall Kin looked normal but he wasn't his usual self. The members that worked with Kin noticed it first as the guy kept forgetting things today. He once asked a file to Tee and Tee gave it but later on asked for the same file in which actually in his hand. That didn't happen once and there's more things Kin did.

Lisa and Tee didn't get to ask the two during lunch as Kin didn't go to lunch while Lucas ran some errands for their boss and went to lunch outside.

Kin scribbled something mindlessly on a paper, luckily an empty paper. He had been doing that for some time already. Mind was elsewhere, sometimes his eyes glanced at his smartphone on the side of his desk.

The office opened made everyone alerted and Nai stepped out a bit, just to look for Lucas. "Why you didn't pick up the intercom? I'm calling you." Nai said. Lucas blinked and looked at his desk phone, there's a blinking red indicating he got called but not ringing.

"It's not ringing, I didn't notice." Lucas said, tone somewhat cold. Lisa secretly glanced at Lucas as she heard his tone. Nai didn't bother to comment on that and just called Lucas to come in for something. Lucas closed his eyes for a bit and then got up to go into Nai's office. Lisa just watched and exhaled. Exactly everyone, except Kin, was secretly glancing on the boss and his assistant.

Nai went to sit at his seat and cancelled the call earlier. "Make sure to check what happened to your desk phone. Get a new one if needed." Nai commented. Lucas just nodded curtly. "Anyway, have you received the email from SKPost? Did you look at the documents they sent?"

"I received and currently am checking with Logistic and Legal department about the content." Lucas told in short. Nai nodded.

"That's good then. There are two emails I just forwarded to you. The latest one is a bit important and P'Ikk required it by today. Can you take a look on that first and directly replied to him?" Lucas nodded.

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