Chapter 31

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Lucas gave a smile and said goodbye as he closed the door of his friend's ward. One of his classmates during university that he still kept contact with just had a baby and Lucas paid a visit to the new parents. He supposed to come together with the other friends like the plan they had made but he was a bit late due to the weekend traffic plus there's an accident on the way. So, he's the last one to come.

Lucas stopped on his track when he saw a familiar figure at the corner of the hallway opposite where he was coming from. It's Tee, with someone who had a white gown.

"Why you're coming today, nong? Isn't that you said you have deadline to chase this weekend?"

"Ao, P'Yim. I do have deadline but I still have time to come here."

"You have come every weekend, nong. I'm fine now, and I didn't mean that you can't come to visit dad but you should take care of yourself too." Tee pouted.

"I'm just bored and lonely."

"Hm? You're living with Nan, why...?"

"Well, Nan often went out to library or somewhere to study... with our friend. I don't want to be the third wheel." Tee said pursing his lips. Yim raised his brow.

"Nan is meeting someone?"

Tee shrugged. Yim was about to say something but his pager rang and he knew he had to go. "Sorry, nong. P' has to go, seems someone needs me. I will find you later, okay?" Yim said apologetically. Tee shook his head saying it's fine. Yim gave a smile and rubbed the younger's head fondly before he left.

Tee watched his brother's leaving and then turned. His eyes met with Lucas who was watching him since earlier. "P- P'Lucas?"

Lucas gave a smile as he walked closer. "Hello, long time no see, nong."

"Ah, yeah." Tee said awkwardly.

"Do you have time, N'Tee? Would you want to grab a coffee and catching up, maybe?" Lucas asked. Tee looked at Lucas. He smiled lightly and nodded.

"That sounds great, I'm in." Tee said. He couldn't deny, it's a very pleasant feeling grew in his heart as Lucas talked to him. He did miss this guy a bit but that's it. He had let go his feelings for Lucas, it's there but he didn't put any hope in it. He's in the process of moving on.

The two walked together towards the exit and walked to the coffee shop near the hospital. It's Tee's first time going there while Lucas often visited here if he came to the hospital for something. The two guys ordered their drinks at the counter and then picked a place to sit while waiting for their drinks to be served.

"You're still drinking two shots and less water, P'." Tee said. Lucas chuckled.

"Habit die-hard." The two just chuckled. Lucas looked at Tee. "How are you? How's your final year student's life?"

"I'm fine, P'. Well, as hectic as it could be. I live near to the university now with my friend, on weekdays usually we won't be back at dorm before 10 pm." Tee shared. Lucas smiled.

"I totally get that. Have been there." Lucas commented. Tee just nodded. Their drinks came and they thanked the waiter. Lucas took a sip while Tee was stirring his warm tea as he added some sugar.

"Won't it be too sweet? You didn't taste it first."

"I just like it. I'm sure they didn't put much." Tee just said. Lucas just shrugged.

The silence settled for a while in between them before Lucas opened a topic.

"Earlier." Lucas looked at Tee. "That is your brother?"

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