Chapter 30

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"You don't need to keep coming every week if you're busy, N'Tee." Yim said to his brother. Both of them were walking from their father's ward towards Yim's section. Today Yim had a bit free time during his shift as finally his new co-worker reported in so his workload could be divided with the new paediatric. Plus, Yim's shift was going to end soon but he won't leave the hospital yet as Ai will come in an hour like her usual weekly visit.

Tee smiled as he circled his arm around his brother's. "It's bearable. I just want to keep visiting por and you. Don't you miss me?" Tee said pouting to his brother. Yim chuckled.

"Of course, I miss you, silly. But I know you're busy with study too so don't force to come every week." Yim said. He stopped and turned to Tee who stopped as well. Tee looked at his brother.

"Don't worry about me, I will take care of myself hm? Ai'Benji also already told you about the new doctor, so don't you worry anymore. I won't need to take too much shifts already, hm?" Yim said. He knew Tee's constant visit recently was because Benji had told Tee about his condition and all the shifts he had to cover alone that led up to one time he fainted. He's happy if Tee came to visit their father often but Yim also knew Tee had his final year hard and he didn't want Tee to fall sick if he didn't use his free time in the weekend to rest instead. These two brothers really...

"Okay, okay. I know I can take care of myself, Nan is there for me. I'm worried about you, P'. You're living alone..." Tee said sighing. "Should I live with you again?"

Yim chuckled and held Tee's cheeks. "My nong is so cute worrying like this. Don't do that na, you moved to live in the dorm with Nan because it's easier for your final year. Just a bit more then you can come back, okay? I will be fine. I'm your P', na? We're Traipipattanapong's men, we're strong." Yim said. Tee chuckled and nodded. Yim smiled and patted his brother's head.

The two walked together again towards the section of the kids in the hospital. While they're sharing things about their days, a cute voice called for Tee's name.

"...there! Oh, P'Tee!"

"Nong Ai?" Yim said when both of them stopped to turn at the call of Tee's name.

Ai was running to them and just realized Tee was with Yim. Her smile grew bigger. "Oh, hello P'Yim! You're here too, so great!" Ai said excitedly as she went to hug both her favourite persons' legs. The brothers just chuckled. Yim knelt down to welcome Ai into his hug while Tee rubbed Ai's head lovingly. Ai had grown close with Tee as sometimes Tee was around during the time Ai came to find Yim in her weekly visit. The greeting and cute moments of the three were interrupted with a voice near them.

"Yim... is that you?"

Yim froze. He slowly looked up and stunned. It felt like the time stopped around him and the owner of the voice.

Few minutes earlier, Ai had arrived at the hospital with her guardian of the day. Not her grandmother as she went out for a visit to a friend's house, also not her father as he had some work with her grandfather. The only one who was available to accompany her today is her uncle, Nai. Nai had taken the job to babysit Ai for the day. Not that he never did, he will play and take care of Ai when no one could. Just it's a rare day because this is Nai's first time to accompany Ai for her weekly visit. He also had been busy lately so he hadn't time to keep track about Ai's days so he didn't know much about her weekly visit.

When they arrived at the hospital, Nai wasn't sure why he was feeling something. As if there's something going to happen. But he kept cool as he's with Ai, so he had to focus on the niece of his. Ai had been excited to go today as she wanted to show her favourite doctor on her clay model. She learnt to play and shape the clay at school and Ai managed to make a cat that received praises from her teacher. So, she wanted to show it off.

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