Chapter 7

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"Here, nong." Tee turned. Lucas was standing behind him, handing him the sandwich and drink. Everyone was surrounding Lucas' table earlier, too many people so Tee opted to go later. But seems like Lucas already came to give him his portion. Tee took it.

"Thank you, P'." Tee said. Lucas smiled.

"What are you doing? We're allowed to have break now." Lucas said patting Tee's head. Tee glanced at his screen.

"I just key-in some data. Earlier, everyone was going for the food. I thought I will go later after everyone." Tee answered. Lucas smiled.

"You're such a good boy." Lucas patted the head softly.

"P', I'm not a kid." Lucas chuckled.

"Okay, nong." Lucas playfully pinched Tee's cheek. Tee whined. Lucas chuckled. "Eat first and continue the work later. No worries, we're allowed to take a break now, okay?" Lucas said. Tee nodded.

"You will be eating too, P'?" Tee asked. Lucas nodded. "How long is the break?"

"30 minutes." Lucas answered. He managed to get Nai agreed for them to have a short break for eating the snack from Ikk. Nai somehow easily agreed after Lucas said it was what they always did previously.

"Want to eat together, P'? I think your desk is still..." Tee said as he looked at Lucas' desk. Lucas chuckled.

"I'm going to eat at the pantry. Kin already went there with Lisa. Come on, you can join us." Lucas said. Tee nodded. Lucas went to his desk to take his sandwich and drink while warning the other teammates not to mess his desk. Tee came to him and they walked to the pantry. He noticed Lucas' cup got Lucas' name. He looked at his cup.

"You ordered differently, P'Lucas?" Tee asked.

Lucas glanced at Tee who pointed to his drink. "Oh. No, it's the same order. But because I'm a regular customer to the café, they just knew how I prefer my drink and put my name to know. Actually, our director became regular there after I suggest the café to him."

"Oh, P' is also particular about your coffee."


"My brother also had his preference for his coffee. He likes to order espresso, but the portion must be half-half." Tee said.

"If I remember correct, that is called Palazzo." Lucas said. Tee frowned. Lucas chuckled. "It's just the term of it. Not everyone aware of each way of mixing and preparing the coffee had it name. Plus, usually the café used the familiar name in their menu."

"You really knew about your coffee."

"Not everything, I'm not into the coffee beans quality and all. I just know some about the coffee preparation as during my study year I drink coffee a bit too much for studying late night that I turned addicted and also immune to caffeine. I then try to find out how can I drink coffee again while it can still be my boost for studying at night. I even had to stop drinking coffee for two months back then." Lucas chuckled. "Okay, why we're talking about that?"

Tee just smiled. "You're so cool, P'." Lucas chuckled.

"You're being over, nong. Nothing is cool if you're diagnosed as coffee-addicts." Lucas stared at Tee for a while with a smile. Tee absentmindedly stared back and he felt a thump. "Let's go and eat." Lucas said pulling Tee into the pantry.

Kin and Lisa turned at their entrance. "There you are P'Lucas." Lisa said.

"Ah, you come too N'Tee. Come, come. We should start eating." Kin called them. Tee went to him. Lucas followed behind. All of them sat down to eat. As they started to open the wrapper, Kin accidentally knocked Tee's cup. Tee startled and luckily, he caught the cup before it toppled down and spilled. Everyone gasped.

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