25: The Picture.

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Sohee was almost late for chemistry once again

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Sohee was almost late for chemistry once again. She bumped into few people as she ran as fast as she could. The teacher didn't necessarily like her so having another problem with her was not on the girl's list.

"Oh! Slow down." a hand grabbed Sohee's arm to try and stop her from running into classmates.

"Sorry! Thanks, Renjun. I thought I'd be late again."

"Damn, you can run fast."

"You know it." she smiled in between catching her breath.

"Jennie isn't here today so maybe you want to sit together?"

"Oh, really?" she looked around for her desk mate that was nowhere to be found. "Ok, sure!"

Sitting with Renjun was something she enjoyed not only on a friendly matter, but he was really smart and always understood everything - especially chemistry. She peaked at his notes the whole time and he let her without a problem.

Renjun's phone suddenly buzzed and he grabbed it carelessly but turned the screen away from his desk mate as soon as he saw Yeondu's name pop up. He glanced at the girl but her eyes were locked on the blackboard.

Hesitantly, he opened a text from Yeondu and couldn't believe his eyes. A picture of Chenle leaning over the girl, at the library, covered his whole screen. Renjun knew Yeondu and he knew that she probably fabricated the picture or just took it out of context, but then he was afraid that maybe Chenle really did cheat on Sohee - he was known as a bad boy and a playboy after all.

Another message from Yeondu came up. "I'll send this picture to Sohee, let her see what her boyfriend really is like. Thank me later ;)"

He clenched his fist and locked the phone. Sohee furrowed her brows, looking back and forth between his angry face and clenched fist. "Are you ok?"

"Hm?" he turned to her with a serious face. "Oh, yeah, I'm ok." he faked a smile. As he was about to raise his hand to ask teacher if he could go to the 'bathroom', Sohee's phone suddenly buzzed on the desk.

Renjun felt his whole body getting hot. His hand dropped down and he stared at the girl's phone. He didn't know what to do to make her not check it, especially that he wasn't sure if it was a message from Yeondu, so he just stared.

Sohee furrowed her brows at a text from an unknown number before clicking on the message. She squinted, then zoomed in.

Then, she froze.

A little gasp escaped her mouth as tears formed in her eyes.

Renjun gulped and glanced at her phone, clenching his fist right away again upon seeing the picture displayed on the girl's screen. He placed a hand on hers and squeezed it gently. "What's wrong?" he asked, pretending that he didn't know what was going on or that he was peaking.

Sohee turned the phone to show Renjun.

"I'm sure this isn't what it looks like." he said immediately, squeezing her hand tighter, trying to comfort her.

"I know this view too well not to believe it." she said in a quiet voice, remembering how Chenle used to behave like this with her before.

"You two! Quiet over there or I'll separate you!" the teacher pointed to them, immediately making them quiet.

Sohee wiped the tears that fell down her cheeks and faked a smile to Renjun when he gave her a tissue.

He didn't want to have anything to do with Yeondu's plan and he thought he made it clear with her, but apparently, the girl didn't take no for an answer.

When class finished, Sohee packed her things quicker than ever, trying to leave the classroom as soon as possible.

"Do you want me to go with you?" the boy asked with a worried voice and looked at the girl with a soft expression.

"I want to be alone, if that's ok."

"Of course."

She smiled and rushed out of the classroom, meanwhile Renjun was ready to confront Yeondu for what she had done.

Chenle was excited to see his crush before his first class of that day so he waited for her by her locker, unaware of anything.

Sohee cried quietly in the bathroom, hiding from everyone and hoping that none of the girls in there would hear her. After awhile, she knew she had to grab books for the next class. She took a quick look in the mirror and scoffed at her makeup not being as pretty as before, but she honestly didn't care at that point.

She almost froze at the sight of Chenle standing by her locker, but instead, she scoffed and rolled her eyes. As she walked over and opened it harshly, it startled the boy since his eyes were locked on the screen of his phone.

"Shit, you scared me." he put his phone away. "Hi, baby." he leaned in for a kiss but Sohee moved away. He raised his brows, thinking she was just teasing him again, so he leaned over and was rejected one more time. "What is-"

"Go away."

He ran his fingers through his hair, having no clue what the hell was going on. "What did I-"

"What did you do?" she wouldn't let him finish any sentence. "You really don't know, huh?"

"I.. really don't?" he looked at her angry face with confusion written all over his.

She scoffed and almost laughed. "You're unbelievable."

"Will you just tell me what the hell are you talking about?"

She scoffed again while taking her phone out, then she opened the picture and shoved it into his face.

He looked at the phone unbothered, until he realized what he was looking at. "What? How? I mean, this is not-"

"We're done, Chenle." she put the phone away, slammed her locker and walked off.

The boy rushed after and tried to grab her hand, but she would shove it away each time, so he gave up. He stood in the middle of the hallway and held his head with his hands as he wanted to scream, but instead, he began to kick lockers that were on the bottom, gaining attention from other students.

Chenle knew that Renjun was involved in this so finding him that day was his main goal.

Chenle knew that Renjun was involved in this so finding him that day was his main goal

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