01: Mistaken.

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It was a sunny day, warm enough for students to spend their breaks between classes outside the building

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It was a sunny day, warm enough for students to spend their breaks between classes outside the building. Laughter and voices roamed around the front of the school until loud banging sound caught their attention. Their heads turned towards the sound and they squinted their eyes to see clearly what was going on.

Some people gasped and others hyped up a pink haired boy destroying a car in the parking lot by the building. Almost everyone started recording him letting loose of his frustration and none of them tried to prevent more damage.

"What in the world is going on?!" a teacher squeezed herself through the crowd that surrounded the scene. Her eyes widened and she held her head, letting whatever was happening sink in. "Zhong Chenle! Of course it's you!"

It was the first time Chenle turned to face the lady and the crowd which he didn't even realize was there since he was hypnotized by destroying the car. He smirked at the teacher and raised the baseball bat once again, wanting to give the car another hit.

"Stop it!" the woman grabbed the boy's arm so he couldn't continue his aggressive streak. "To the principal's office, now!"

He smirked as the teacher pulled him behind her. The boy felt accomplished and happy after what he had done so the smirk didn't leave his face at all, even when they reached the said destination.

The older man sighed upon seeing who the teacher brought with her. "What did he do now?"

"Sir!" the woman pointed to the chair in front of the man's desk as she raised her voice at Chenle once again.

The pink haired boy smirked from ear to ear as he dropped on the chair carelessly. He met eyes with the principal who only shook his head at the boy's behavior - which was one every teacher of the school should already be used to

"He destroyed our employee's car with this!" she grabbed the bat out of Chenle's hand and handed it to the man.

Chenle's cocky expression disappeared and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait, an employee's car?"

"Don't say another word!"

"I thought that was a student's car." he sighed "I must've confused them." he shook his head as if he was disappointed of his mistake.

"And what difference does it make?!" the principal had finally risen his voice as well, annoyed by the young boy's attitude.

Chenle shrugged and a smirk appeared on his small face once again.

"What do you have to say, young man?"


"How do you feel about destroying one of your teacher's property?"

Chenle looked the principal in the eyes and smiled. "Depends on which teacher."

The female gasped and her hands dropped. She shook her head and looked at the principal helplessly. The man had a similar feeling, remembering how much trouble Chenle kept causing and how none of the punishments changed much, he had no idea what to do with him anymore.

"Get out of my office and wait outside. I have to call your parents and think what to do with you. You should hope for the teacher not to press charges."

"I really don't care."

"Get him out of here." the principal waved his hand and the other teacher grabbed the boy by his sweatshirt, pulling him out of the room.

"Don't even think of running away." she raised her finger up and gave the pink haired boy a certain look.

Once the door shut closed, Chenle sat down on one of the chairs. He sent a smile to one of the lady workers who only shook her head at him, not believing how often she had seen him there within just that month alone.

He listened to music through his airpods with his head leaned back on the wall behind him, completely zoning out. He didn't even flinch at the sudden pat on his shoulder and once he looked up, the female teacher gestured for him to take his airpods out.

"Your parents can't make it so we have to finish this alone."

Chenle scoffed. "Of course they can't make it."

The lady pointed towards the room and Chenle walked in while rolling his eyes. He was used to it, though it didn't mean he liked it.

EDIT 31/08/2023:editing this little piece of work of minei hope you enjoy it <3

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EDIT 31/08/2023:
editing this little piece of work of mine
i hope you enjoy it <3

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