Chapter 33 - Amara's POV

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It felt like my whole world had stopped, Dad is the in the Italian Mafia. But not just that, he's the boss!

I learned that all my brothers, Enzo and Gio were also in the Mafia alongside my dad. And our friends too.

They explained that Mark, Michaela and Grayson were all dead, so they can't hurt me anymore. I didn't want the details of their death but I finally feel free. But a realisation came soon after...

I am the Mafia Princess!

Dad explained all the roles that each of the guys had in the business. He didn't want me to find out but he knew he had to tell me, especially since Mark had told me about it when I was kidnapped, the second time.

I was currently lying on my bed, reading. It had been a few days since Dad told me everything. And I had now finally come to terms with it all. I still love them all the same as I did before. I know they all love me, even after everything that I had been through. I thought they would all think I was disgusting and worthless. Something I had been told my entire life.

For as long as I can remember, I was told that nobody could love me because I'm disgusting, a waste of space, worthless, ugly, fat.

I believed all the words until I came here. I finally got the family I had always wanted. Loving, caring, fun, happy.

I was happy.

The door opening had brought me out of my thoughts, I lifted my head and saw Enzo entering our bedroom and closing the door behind him.

"Hey baby" he smiled at me. He's been so nervous around me since I came home. He has hardly touched me, only cuddled me from behind at night and given me the odd kisses here and there. I don't know if he still wants me. Just the thought had brought tears to my eyes.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Angelo, why are you crying?" he rushed out before climbing on the bed to sit by me and pull me into his arms. But at the same time, not holding me as he used to, which makes me sob harder. "Shh you're okay Angelo, I promise"

"You don't want me anymore" I stated, all but a whisper.

Enzo pulled away, looking at my face with confusion written all over his. "What are you talking about baby?"

"You don't touch me anymore like you used to, you don't spend as much time with me as before. I'm disgusting. I'm used. I'm-"

He stopped my self-shaming words by placing his lips on mine, kissing me desperately, like he's been waiting forever to do this exact thing. It feels like it has been forever.

He pulled away, resting his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry baby. I have been keeping my distance, but not in the way you think. I... I'm scared" he mumbled, the last part made his voice crack and a few tears escaped his eyes.

"Of what?" I whispered to him.

"I'm scared to lose you. I'm scared to hurt you or to bring back any horrible memories by touching you. I hate myself for what you've gone through because I wasn't there to protect you. I don't deserve to be with you after not protecting you with my life as I promised. I can't even explain to you how sorry I am that you went through that. You are so strong, Angelo. Stronger than you think, and I don't deserve an amazing, beautiful, perfect woman like you"

The whole time Enzo was making his speech, silent tears were rolling down both of our faces. I gently lifted up enough to place my lips on his in a loving kiss. I pulled away enough to whisper on his lips "I love you Enzo. You are enough"

He lay me on my back, hovering over me on the bed. He kissed me with more desperation than before, running his hand up my side causing a gasp to leave my lips. With a slight opening, Enzo thrust his tongue into my mouth.

"Please, Enzo, please make me forget. Make love to me, please" I all but begged.

We made love twice, before falling asleep in each other's arms.

A few hours later, we both woke up, smiling and kissing. Talking about anything and everything before my stomach decided to make itself known. My face flushed red, and Enzo chuckled.

"We'd better get that monster fed before it tries to eat me," he said with a wink, climbing out of bed and throwing a t-shirt and some sweatpants on before lifting me from the bed and helping me to get dressed into one of his t-shirts and some sweats too.

We left our bedroom and headed down the stairs, hearing laughing and talking. We entered the kitchen and I couldn't help myself but smile at my family. Dad, my brothers and Gio were all sitting around in the kitchen, laughing and joking with each other. This is what I love.

Enzo pulled me with him to seat in the kitchen, he sat down on a stool and pulled me to his lap, holding me like he used to and I couldn't be happier.

"Hey, tesoro. How are you feeling?" Dad asked me, halting all conversations between the boys, so they could hear me.

"I'm feeling great dad. Erm, I have something to say to you all" I looked at everyone before continuing. "I love you all so much and thank you for saving my life" a tear slipped down my cheek.

Everyone quickly jumped from their seats and came over to me one by one, embracing me and telling me how much they love me and that they are happy I'm safe, and at home.

Gio brought me a plate of food "Here you go, Principessa, you must be hungry after your activities earlier" he winked and chuckled after seeing my face heat up like a tomato.

"Oh my gooood, please kill me now" I groaned with embarrassment.

"No need to be embarrassed, I went up earlier to let you both know that food was ready until I heard some noises and decided you were hungry for something else" he laughed. My face heated up even more if that was even possible.

"Okay, now that's settled" Enzo gave Gio a pointed look before turning his attention back onto me. "I have a question to ask you, Angelo."

I nodded for him to continue. But instead, he lifted me up from his lap and placed me on my feet on the floor. Standing in front of me, he suddenly got down on one knee, and pulled out a small box from his sweatpants pocket, holding it in front of me.

I gasped and put my hand in front of my mouth in shock.

"Angelo, I was going to do this earlier but we kind of got distracted" he chuckled. "I have loved you since the moment I first saw you walk into the kitchen. You are so beautiful and so kind, you have a heart of gold, and with everything you've been through, you are the strongest woman I have ever met. I honestly can't wait to share the rest of my life with you, and our little bean. Please, would you do me the greatest honour of becoming my wife? Please, marry me?"

I froze for a moment, and Enzo's smile was slowly falling from his face. I shook myself and leapt into his arms, catching him off guard but surprisingly he managed to keep us both up.

"YES, YES, YES!!!!" I screamed before smashing my lips on his.

There were hoots and cheers all around us from our family. Everyone congratulated us on our engagement.

This is the best day of my life.

This is the best day of my life

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