Chapter 11 - Antonio's POV

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Warning: Self-harm, abuse, and rape are mentioned throughout the whole chapter.

If this is a sensitive topic for you, feel free to skip to the next chapter.

After Lorenzo left to follow Amara upstairs, I looked at the boys with a confused expression plastered on my face. What the hell just happened? We all sat there, nobody saying a word, everyone was just lost in our own thoughts until I heard Enzo screaming for help.

We all looked at one another and instantly jumped up from our seats and ran up the stairs into Amara's room. I heard Enzo in the bathroom and what I saw next had my heart falling to the pit of my stomach.

My baby girl, wrapped in Enzo's arms, with blood covering her. She had slit her wrists. I saw the razor blade on the floor, covered in blood also. I froze. I didn't know what to do to help or what to say. It was like my whole world came crashing down at that moment.

I had just gotten my baby girl back and now, because of her past, she must feel like she can't live with it anymore and her only escape is to end her short life. She wanted to end the pain that I know she is feeling every day.

I can see the pain in her eyes, every time she looks at me. But it is slowly being overcome by happiness. I've never seen her so happy in the few weeks she has been with us. She was happy to find out about her being my daughter, and then Enzo asked her to be his girlfriend. Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and I knew then that this is what she wanted. A true family to love and protect her.

I failed her. I didn't look hard enough for her when she was younger, but I had no clues as to where she was taken and by who.

After following Lorenzo and Leonardo to the clinic and watching while Leo worked on her, it was devastating to watch my little girl go through this. I let a slight tear fall from my eyes and quickly wiped it away. Once she was stabilised, I had to know what happened and how Enzo found her.

He explained everything to us, described with as much detail as he possibly could, from what he understood himself. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. I knew we had to ask Amara as soon as she awakens.

We sat around the clinic for hours, Alessandro ran up to my office and brought me back some paperwork I had to fill out. There was a lot that needed to be done. I had to change Amara's name from Coleman back to Romano legally. I had to enrol her into school. I needed to make arrangements for the boys to take her shopping for new clothes and anything she wanted and needed.

6 hours had passed before she began to stir. I was by her side in an instant and I held on to her left hand, while Enzo was holding her right hand, sitting beside her bed on a chair. He had been in that same position since she was brought in here and was stable.

Amara's eyes began to flutter open but quickly shut once she saw the bright lights shining in them. Matteo ran to switch the light so it was just a dim brightness.

She finally opened them and looked at Enzo with a small smile on her face, and then slowly turned her head to look at me. She looked me in the eyes and I could see she felt ashamed for what she had done to herself. I gave her hand a small squeeze and gave her a small smile that I knew didn't reach my eyes.

"How are you feeling Bambina?" I asked her.

"I'm okay. I'm s-sorry for what I did" she replied in a small voice. The tears began to well up in her eyes, and I leaned down and pulled her into my arms. She pulled her hand away from Enzo, so she could wrap her small arms around me, and we sat like that for a while, her crying was heavy at first but slowly turned into sniffles and hiccups. I continuously rubbed her back up and down trying to soothe her. I looked up and her brothers were silently watching us, with sad faces.

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