Chapter 25 - Amara's POV

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I have just finished dinner, in bed, and three pages into my book, when someone knocks on my bedroom door. I shout a quick 'come in' and Leo enters with a small smile on his face.

"The ultrasound machine has arrived, piccolo"

I nodded and he helped me out of bed. I'm feeling a lot better, but I still have the odd dizziness every now and then.

We walk down the stairs together and head straight toward his clinic. Once we reach the door, he opens it and I'm met with my family and the love of my life. They all give me small smiles. They are nervous and I understand why. It might not be Enzo's child.

"Before we get started, I have to ask you a question," Dad asks, nerves running through his body. While Leo is helping me onto the bed, I give a small nod, indicating to him to continue. "If the baby isn't Enzo's, what are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

This time, Leo offered more of an explanation. "You have choices, piccolo. You can either keep the baby, go for adoption, or..."

Before he could even finish, I quickly shake my head. "I can't go through with an abortion, Leo. It's not the baby's fault. It's still a human being, it still breathes." I managed to get out, tears filling my eyes, at just the thought of killing my baby, even if it could be from a rapist.

"Okay, tesoro. We just wanted to let you know, there are options if you couldn't go through with this"

I nodded, letting them know I understood where they were coming from.

"Right, piccolo, this is going to be slightly cold" he motions to the blue gel in his hands, before lifting my shirt up a bit and squirting some on.

Enzo comes beside me and holds my hand, giving it a tight squeeze. I turned my head to look at him, he gives me a small nervous smile, leaning in to kiss the side of my head, he whispers "No matter what, I will stand by you, and I will love this baby like my own" and gives me another quick kiss.

All of a sudden, we were brought out of our little moment when there was a fast-paced thudding echoing in the room. Leo turns to us and smiles, "That's the baby's heartbeat"

Tears quickly flooded my eyes, and I watched as Leo turned the screen in our direction. You couldn't see much, but I didn't miss the small blob, and I'm sure that's my baby.

Leo points to the screen, touching the small blob "there's your baby Amara. And I'm not an expert at pregnancy, but I did learn some things and by my calculations and measurements. You're about 6 weeks pregnant. You've been with us for 10 weeks now. Congratulations, Enzo, you're going to be a daddy" he cheers, patting Enzo on the back of his shoulder.

Everyone in the room congratulated Enzo and me and gave us hugs, one by one. Dad was the last to come to me, he wrapped his arms around me, one hand stroking the back of my head and the other rubbing up and down my back. "I can't believe my baby is going to be having a baby" he sniffles.

I couldn't stop the giggle from escaping my lips before I felt my nerves creeping up. "I'm sorry I disappointed you daddy. I didn't mean to get pregnant, it just happened" I told him, honestly. Tears slowly fall from my eyes. He pulls back to look at me and wipes the tears that are staining my cheeks.

"I'm not mad at you tesoro. I was a little disappointed at first, but now I'm happy, especially now we know Enzo is the father. I'm going to be a Grandpa" he chuckles at the last part. "Grandpa, at my age" he chuckles again, shaking his head like he can't believe it.

"And you're the youngest, best-looking Grandpa ever" I giggle. He gives me the biggest smile before pulling me to him again and kissing my head.

He pulled away, completely this time and stepped in front of Enzo. Dad was a couple of inches taller than Enzo, making him look more intimidating. His face turned into a hard glare at Enzo before saying "if you ever hurt my child or grandchild, whether it's emotionally or physically, I will not hesitate to kill you, do you understand?"

I heard Enzo gulp before nodding his head, "Yes sir, I understand. And I promise I will never hurt either of them, you have my word" he lifted his hand up and held it out in front of him. Dad looked down at Enzo's outstretched hand, and lifted his own, clasping each other's hands in a firm handshake, before pulling Enzo into his embrace, and slapping him on the back.

"Congratulations son"


Aww, who had doubts that Enzo wouldn't be the father?

Aww, who had doubts that Enzo wouldn't be the father?

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