Chapter 24 - Amara's POV

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I woke up to whispers in the room. My eyes flickered open but turning my head towards the door and seeing Enzo and Leo talking to each other before both of their gazes meet mine. Leo gives me a small smile before walking over to me.

"How are you feeling piccolo?"

A small smile appeared on my lips before answering "I'm feeling better, thank you Leo"

He nodded and turned his head, motioning Enzo to come back over to me, which he did, he sat behind me and pulled me up to lean back onto his chest, wrapped his arms protectively around me and held on to my stomach. It was a sweet gesture and I don't think he noticed exactly what he did, but Leo did. He gave me a smirk and winked at me.

"So what happens now then?" Enzo asked Leo.

"Well, I've ordered an ultrasound machine, so once that arrives, I want to arrange a scan and see how the baby is doing, and to measure the size and we can work out how far along you are, to figure out roughly when you conceived. I can do a paternity test too to be sure but only when you are at least 7 weeks along"

I nodded "sounds good. Is-is dad angry with us?"

"No, piccolo. He's not very happy with the circumstances, but he can never be mad at you. He loves you. Everyone is mostly mad at Enzo" he chuckled.

I gasped "why are they mad at Enzo?"

"Well, because they thought I took advantage of you and got you pregnant on purpose or something. But I promise you, Angelo, I didn't. We were always careful." he explained, giving me a kiss on the top of my head.

Later that week

I haven't been to school for a few days because dad wanted me to have some rest. Apparently, my blood sugar was low and my blood pressure was slightly high, both of these caused me to faint, so dad made sure I was on bed rest.

I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy it, because I definitely did.

I had my phone with me at all times and texted whoever was at home when I wanted a drink or food. If I wanted a new book. And sometimes I did it on purpose to piss the boys off. And it worked.

I had just texted Gio to get me a fruity snack, and he replied with "OMG Principessa, who needs the gym when you have a sister-in-law demanding things from you every 2 minutes"

I giggled at that and decided to have a little more fun with this.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock at my door, and I told him to come in, knowing it was Gio.

He walked in placing a tray next to me on the bed, with a bowl of watermelon, grapes and apples, cut up into small bite-size pieces.

I picked up a grape and popped it into my mouth, cringing when the taste hit my tongue.

"What's wrong? Don't you like it?" he asked.

"I do, it's just missing something... Can I have some honey please?" I asked him, with puppy dog eyes. I've realised Gio can't say no to me when I give him the eyes.

He groaned but nodded and left the room again to go get me some honey. He returned and dropped the honey on the bed next to me. "Anything else, your highness?" he did a mock bow, pretending to be talking to royalty.

I giggled, "You're so weird, Gio, but can I have some tea please?"

Usually, I'd have a coffee but Leo told me that coffee isn't great for pregnant women and persuaded me to drink tea instead. I can't complain, it is quite yummy.

Gio groaned again but did as I asked him to, returning after another few minutes with my cup in his hand, and placing it on the bedside table.

"Thank you, I'm sorry for being a burden, Gio"

He sat beside me on the bed, pulling me into an embrace. "Don't ever say that again, you are not a burden. I'm happy to be here helping you, I love you like a sister, principessa, always remember that"

A lone tear slid down my cheek, but at least it was a happy one. 


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