Chapter 32 - Amara's POV

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As soon as Gio pulled up outside the house, he jumped out of the car and looked like he was checking the area before opening the back door. I was currently straddling Enzo's lap, leaning into his warmth. So he wrapped his arms around me, keeping me steady as he climbed out of the back seat.

He scooted me up his body slightly and put a hand under my bum and one on my back and carried me into the house. Without stopping, he headed straight toward the kitchen and down the corridor.

Once we were at the door and opened it and we walked into Leo's clinic. Enzo lay me down on the bed and got a few antiseptic wipes and other medical equipment. He lifted the bottom of my shorts up, exposing my bruised thighs. He winced at the sight before I saw his hands beginning to tremble.

"I'm so sorry baby. This is all my fault, I should've protected you" he shook his head before picking up a damp cloth and wiping away some of the dried blood and dirt that was covering my skin.

I put my hand on his, to get his attention. He looked into my eyes and I told him "I'm okay Enzo, you saved me. This isn't your fault. You didn't know I was going to get kidnapped and beaten. I promise it's not your fault."

Just as I finished talking, the door burst open, making Enzo jump in front of me pointing his gun at the intruder.

I couldn't see past his body to see who had entered, and my heartbeat picked up, my body was trembling, and I had tears welling in my eyes. I was scared.

"Oh my baby, are you okay, tesoro?" I heard my dad's voice and looked up and saw him making his way over to me. I saw Enzo put his gun away and moved to my side a bit and carried on cleaning my legs for me.

"I'm okay, daddy" I assured him before the tears started to roll down my face. He wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me to his chest, but not hard enough to cause me any pain.

"I'm so sorry baby," he told me.

"It's okay daddy, I'm safe now."

Just then, Leo came into the room and wrapped me in a hug too, kissing my head multiple times. "Are you okay, piccolo?" I couldn't answer him with my voice, afraid my voice would crack so I gave him a nod and a small smile.

"Leo, I need you to do a scan so we know if the baby is okay," Enzo said to him. Automatically, Leo pulled out the machine and the blue gel, helping me to get comfortable on the bed, he started up the machine, squirting a small blob of gel onto my tummy before using the wand to try and find my baby.

After a couple of minutes, we heard the baby's heartbeat. I felt so relieved and felt more tears flow down my face, but this time they were happy tears. Happy knowing my baby was okay. Leo showed us the screen and pointed, letting us know our baby was there, alive and healthy.

After Leo and Enzo cleaned my body of blood and dirt, Leo attended to my wounds and cleaned them up, stopping any infection. He checked me for any breaks in my bones, but fortunately, there were none, apart from a fractured cheekbone. He gave me painkillers that were safe to have while pregnant and told me he was finished treating me.

Enzo came up and picked me up bridal style, carrying me out of the clinic and over to the lounge. My other brothers were there alongside my dad and Gio. Leo was following behind Enzo and me and took a seat beside us on the couch.

"Tesoro, I need you to tell me everything that happened, please. I need to know what they did to you" Dad started, his eyes pleading with me to explain everything I had gone through, which eventually i did. Including the part where Mark told me they were a part of the Mafia.

My brothers all looked at each other with a look I couldn't decipher. Dad blew out a big breath before looking at me, turning serious.

"Tesoro, we are the Mafia. I'm the capo"

 I'm the capo"

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