Chapter 9 - Amara's POV

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It has been a few days since me and Antonio did the DNA test. I'm nervous to receive the results. Part of me wants to be their true family member, but another part of me is scared of that. If I am related, then I was kidnapped and brought up by another couple and my whole life was a complete lie.

But on the other hand, I really do hope I'm the boys' sister and Antonio's daughter because it would be nice to finally have a real family to love me instead of beating and abusing me. They still don't know what happened to me all these years growing up in the Coleman house. Obviously, they knew that I had been hit because of the cuts on my face, but they still don't know to the extent that I was hurt.

I don't want them to find out. I don't want them to look at me with disgust or even humiliation, that I was too weak to defend myself from the beatings or the rapes. They would surely kick me out if I ever did tell them. No, I have to keep this to myself.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a light tap on my bedroom door, I told the person they could come in, and slowly, Enzo's head popped through the crack of the door with a smile on his face. We locked gazes for a moment before he fully walked in closing the door behind him.

I don't know what it is about Enzo but I feel safe and protected when he's around. He had already told me he loves me, but I haven't said it back. I don't even know what we are to each other. We haven't really discussed anything about our situation. All I know is, that he wants to be with me but he's waiting for me to feel comfortable.

I've never really liked to be touched, because of what my father did to me. But when it comes to Enzo and the Romano's, I feel comfortable with them. The brothers constantly bring me into their embrace or throw their arms over my shoulders. They even rest their arms on my head because of my height. Me being only 5'3 and all of them, including the Russo brothers, was well over 6 feet.

Enzo sat next to me on my bed, interrupting my thoughts again. "Are you okay Angelo?" he asked me with concern. Probably because since he came in here I've not really spoken a word to him and I've just sat quietly on my bed, staring off at nothing.

"Yeah, I'm okay, just thinking a lot I guess" I replied with a small smile.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his lap, holding me tight against his body in a loving embrace. "What's on your mind?"

"Just how everything could change so much once we get the DNA results, thinking about my childhood, and how everyone here is so different to my family" I winced just saying the word family, Mark was not like how a family member should be. We were never like a real family. We never did anything together as a family.

"Everything will be fine Angelo, I promise you. I already know what those results will say. There is no chance that you are not a romano. You look just like Sophia, it's crazy how much you resemble her. I know you are a romano" he assured me with a kiss on my head.

"What are we?" I blurted out. "I mean, you treat me like a girlfriend but were not together. And you told me you loved me too. I'm just confused" I explained further.

"I'd love to call you my girlfriend but I want you to be ready before I ask you. Right now, we are getting to know each other and I'm helping you to feel comfortable around me. Getting you used to the hugs and kisses from me, and the attention you'll be receiving from me will only get better every day" he smiled lovingly at me. I love his smile.

We sat like that for a while. In each other's arms in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company. Both of us seemed to be deep in thought until I broke it. "Can I kiss you?" I blurted out so suddenly. My eyes went as wide as saucers, not wanting to actually say it out loud because of the embarrassment I was definitely feeling right now. My cheeks blushed and I buried my face into Enzo's muscular chest.

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