Chapter 20 - Amara's POV

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My first day of school was going by pretty fast. As dad said, I had at least one of the twins in my class, including one or two of their friends. I found out their names were Ryan, Jake, Tommy and Alex. They were pretty funny and made sure that I was okay.

By lunchtime, I was starving. I followed Matteo and Ryan to the canteen and headed to the back of the line, when I felt a hand wrap around my arm, pulling me closer to the front.

"What are you doing?" I asked Matteo.

"Getting our food," he told me in a duh tone.

"But you're pushing in front of everyone else"

"And? Nobody cares" he shrugged.

He bought us a slice of pizza and some fries each and carried the tray with one hand while having his arm wrapped around my shoulders once again and headed to a table, where I saw Romeo with a girl sitting on his lap, and the rest of the boys and a couple more girls.

Matteo sat down at the table and pulled me to his lap, and we began to eat.

"Baby, why is she sitting on your lap?" a blonde-haired girl asked while walking to our table. She looked at me, giving me a disgusted look.

"Abigail, i can't be bothered with your drama, me and you are over, end of" Matteo stated coldly, not even bothering to look up at the girl.

Before I can even comprehend what is happening, I'm being dragged off of Matteo's lap by my hair and pushed forcefully onto the floor, hitting my elbow as I fell. I sharp pain shot up my arm, causing tears to well up in my eyes.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" Matteo screamed at the girl, Abigail. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Are you okay, stellina?" Romeo crouched down in front of me pulling me to his chest, rubbing my back up and down.

"Why the hell was she sitting in your lap? Is she your new slut?" she shouted, by now, all of the attention was directed towards us. I pushed my face further into Romeo's chest, willing myself not to cry. Why does everyone have to call me names?

"We're over Abigail! We hooked up once. You knew we weren't together!" he shouted at her.

"Matteo, I'm taking her to the nurse. She fell on her elbow and it's hurting her" Romeo said, before lifting me up and carrying me out of the canteen.

I could feel eyes on me as we were leaving, and I could still hear the shouting after the doors closed behind us.

We got to the nurse and Rome put me down on the small hospital bed, and sat down beside me, explaining to the nurse what had happened.

"It's just going to be bruised, it's not broken, sweetie. Keep this ice pack on for a little while to help with the bruising and I'll get you some pain relief." She said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you" I whispered, receiving a nod in return before she rummaged through a small cabinet, and found a box of pills, giving me two of them. Romeo handed me his water bottle and I swallowed the pills with a big gulp of water.

Matteo came rushing through the door and quickly crouched in front of me, holding my hand in his "I'm so sorry about that, cucciola. I hooked up with her once and she had this obsession with me ever since"

I giggled, "it's okay Matty, she just didn't like seeing another girl in your lap"

He smiled at me, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. He gave me a kiss on the hand he was holding before helping me up onto my feet, and walking us out of the nurse's office, shouting a thank you before the door closed behind us.

The rest of the day went by quickly, and I was glad. I couldn't wait to go home and snuggle up in my bed.

When we got home, I was engulfed in a pair of strong muscular arms and pulled into a hard chest. "I heard what happened, are you okay angelo?"

I nodded the best I could, "I'm okay, Enzo, I promise"

"When Romeo texted me to tell me what had happened, I was ready to storm into that school, pick you up and bring you home, but Gio stopped me telling me you'll be okay," he told me in all seriousness.

I couldn't stop the giggle that escaped my lips, the protectiveness in this man is too cute.

"I am not cute" he grumbled.

Whoops, did I say that out loud again? I questioned myself.

Enzo chuckled, "yes you did say that out loud, angelo."

My face flushed in embarrassment, I really need to stop speaking out loud. I snuggled further into Enzo's body, hiding my flushed face into his neck, earning a chuckle from him.

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me up the stairs to our bedroom and dropped me onto the bed.

Let's just say after our activities, I was very tired ;)


Well Abigail's a bit of a bitch

Well Abigail's a bit of a bitch

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