Chapter 22 - Matteo's POV

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TW: a small mention of rape, but not going into detail

Shit, fuck, shit!!

What the fuck is happening?

One minute she was fine, eating her food. Then the next she jumped away from Rome and then collapsed. I managed to pick her up before she fell to the floor, and I tried speaking to her but she passed out.

We ran out into the car park and I climbed in the back seat with her while Rome jumped in the driver's seat and started the engine before peeling out of there, and heading home as fast as he could.

When we reached home, he picked her up from my arms and ran inside, holding her bridal style.

"LEO!!" we shouted at the same time.

Leo came running from the kitchen, wondering why we were shouting for him. He saw Amara in Romeo's arms and frantically ran to us, pulling her out of his arms, and into his own.

"What the fuck happened?" he asked.

"I don't know, she's been complaining she's tired and felt sick all day, then she was eating her food at lunch, and she just jumped up from Rome's lap and was about to leave before she wobbled a bit and then she fell. I caught her before she hit the floor and then she passed out." I explained to him the whole situation while we were hurriedly making our way to his clinic.

He lay her on one of the beds and checked her temperature and blood pressure and all those other things that doctors do.

"Wait in the kitchen while I finish my tests, and I'll let you know once I've got the results"

We nodded and left his clinic and sat down around the breakfast bar. We sat in silence just thinking about what it could be and if she was okay.

"Hey, why are you home?" Sandro walked into the kitchen, getting himself a snack from the cupboard.

I explained what happened at school and he sat with us and got out his phone. I'm guessing to text the rest of the guys to come home.

After about 5 minutes, they were all here. Enzo paced the kitchen floor, wanting to know if she was okay. Dad has his face in his hands, elbows resting on the counter. And the rest of us just stared into space.

"It's been ages, what the fuck is taking so long?" Enzo hissed, he was pissed because Leo won't even let him into the room while he carries out the tests he needs to do.

"Just be patient, you'll know soon enough," Dad told him, without even lifting his head up.

Around 30 minutes later, Leo came walking into the kitchen and stopped when he saw everyone standing or sitting around.

He caught sight of Enzo and stormed over to him. I was really confused and even more so when he punched Enzo hard in the face.

"What the fuck did I tell you?" he shouted at Enzo.

"What the hell is going on?" Dad said standing in between the two, to stop any fighting.

"This fucking bastard!" Leo shouted pointing at Enzo. "He didn't listen to you by wrapping it when they were in the sheets!"

"What? Of course, I did, every single time" Enzo assured us.

"Then how the fuck is she pregnant then?" Leo screamed at him, trying his best to get past dad, but dad wasn't moving.

"W-what?" Enzo froze. "How could that happen? I made sure we used protection every time and she was on birth control. It's impossible."

"How can we be sure it's Enzo's?" Sandro suddenly blurted out.

"Are you calling my girlfriend a fucking slut?" Enzo seethed. Pushing past everyone to get to Sandro, we all had to hold him back.

"No, no, that's not what I'm saying at all. She's my sister, I'm not going to call her a fucking slut. What I mean is, she was raped before she came to us. How do we know one of those dick heads isn't the father?" Sandro explained.

My face paled at the thought. How would she cope if she's pregnant with her rapist's baby? How would any of us react if it came back that the child's father is one of the people who raped my baby sister?

I felt a trickle down my face and quickly wiped the tear away.

"We need to talk to her. I can't figure out how far along she is until I do a scan on her but I don't have an ultrasound scanner here, I have to order one" Leo stated calmly.

Dad nodded, "get one ordered and as soon as it arrives, do an ultrasound, check the baby and how far along she is. There's no point in getting stressed out yet. We will cross that, if and when we get to it"

Everyone nodded and started to sit down again. All in our own heads, thinking about everything. How can my baby sister be pregnant? She hasn't even finished school yet. She hasn't been to her first prom or party. She's only ever had one boyfriend, and he may have gotten her pregnant.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Enzo asked if he could see her. Leo nodded and Enzo left the kitchen, heading in the direction of Leo's clinic.

"Fucking bastard" Romeo mumbled.

"Romeo! Enough. If she's pregnant then we will deal with it as a family. It's her choice. If she wants to keep it or have an abortion, we will stick by her no matter what. We will support her. But if any of you bring any stress or treat her badly in any way, you have me to answer to. Do you understand?" He looked at each and every one of us. We all nodded and went back into our own thoughts. One thought, in particular, ran through my head.

I really hope it's Enzo's.


So how many of you thought she was pregnant in the last chapter?

So how many of you thought she was pregnant in the last chapter?

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