Chapter 13 - Lorenzo's POV

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I laid on the hospital bed with my girl cuddled into my chest, her breathing was steady and her lips parted releasing the smallest of snores I've ever heard. She's just so innocent, and I can't believe she's mine. My angelo.

After an hour had passed like this, I knew I needed to go speak to the guys. I slowly and gently lifted her up and slid out from behind her. Once I was off the bed, I slowly lowered her down back onto the bed, kissing her forehead. I turned and headed for the door and glanced back with a smile before leaving the room and gently closing the door behind me, so I didn't wake her.

I headed down the corridor towards the kitchen but stopped abruptly, hearing the voice of someone I wasn't expecting to see ever again. I continued down the corridor with small steps, the voices getting louder and louder. I could hear Leo, Sandro and Gio all shouting, and the high-pitched, irritating voice of the one woman who I wished I had never met.

I finally made it to the kitchen and my suspicions were correct. It's Michelle - I think that's her name. I had a one-night stand with her, and once we were done, I had to literally drag her out of my apartment, because she wanted to stay the night with me and I didn't do that.

I had an apartment that I hardly ever stayed in, I just had it because I didn't want to disrespect Antonio by bringing girls here, fucking them and then getting rid of them. I very rarely stayed overnight at my apartment unless it was extremely late, or if I was too drunk.

I was snapped back into the present after I heard her screeching voice "Oh here he is, the man of the hour. My baby daddy" she said to nobody in particular but her eyes didn't leave mine, not even once. I glared back at her and scoffed.

"Well, obviously it isn't mine. I always use protection, and you were on the pill" I snapped at her. I looked down at her belly and there was a slight bump there, she couldn't be more than a couple of months pregnant.

"Haven't you ever heard that no protection is 100%? You're the dad to this baby. So what are you going to do?" she questioned with a brow arched, and a sinister smirk.

"What am I supposed to do exactly? Are you keeping it?" I asked her. I don't want the baby to be mine. Shit, this is all I need. I just got the girl of my dreams. This will most definitely push her away. And I can't exactly blame her.

"My parents told me I have to marry the father. So I guess we're engaged now, fiance." my eyes snapped up to hers. My brows furrowed. Is she serious?

"You've got to be kidding me, like fuck am I going to marry your skanky ass" I sneered at her.

"How are you so sure that Lorenzo is the father? I know you've slept with probably hundreds of men so why Enzo?" Leo questioned trying to make sure that what she says will somehow prove that she is lying.

"Because I didn't have sex with anyone else around the time that I conceived" She answered back in a 'duh' tone.

"And how do we know you're telling the truth?" Sandro asked this time. He was concerned, probably worrying about how his sister was going to handle the news.

"Well, I suppose you'll just have to trust me" she shrugged. I let out a sarcastic laugh at that. Everyone's heads turned to me.

"How and why should we trust a slut like you? You were obsessed with me before we even fucked that night. You've been trying for months to get me into bed and even after that night, you tried calling me non-stop and leaving messages until I blocked your ass. So, please, explain why the fuck I should trust you"

"Please, Enzo, baby, you have to believe me. Why would I lie to the father of my baby?" she slowly prowled towards me and rested her hands on my chest. Before I could push her away, I heard a small gasp from behind me and my heart shattered at the sight of the woman standing there with her hand covering her mouth and tears in her eyes.

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