Chapter 3 - Amara's POV

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We finally made it to a huge house... no, more like a mansion. I was awestruck staring at the giant building in front of me.

He walked up to the gates and a security guard on the other side jumped up and opened the gates for him. Antonio turned around to face me, his hand outstretched for me to take, which I did.

Once the gates were open, he walked up the long drive towards the house, not letting go of my hand the whole way. Another security guard opened the front door when we arrived, and Antonio ushered me inside, the security guard closed the door behind us, but did not follow us inside.

"I forgot to mention, tesoro, I have four sons. You'll be meeting them in 3, 2, 1...." just then, there was a loud, thunderous, stampede coming down the stairs to our left, and when they reached the bottom, there were four attractive men making their way towards Antonio.

"Dad, why the fuck did you leave on your own with no guards?" one man shouted to Antonio. He looked like the oldest out of the four.

"I wanted a walk, alone" Antonio sternly replied.

Another man then noticed me hiding behind Antonio, looking me up and down with his brows pinched together "and who is that?" he nodded his head in my direction. Just then there were another 4 pairs of eyes on me. It made me squirm uncomfortably being under their gazes.

"Boys, I'd like you to meet Amara, she found me after I got shot and helped me home. She's going to be staying with us for a while" he introduced me to the shocked men.

"Amara? Is she.." another one started but was immediately interrupted by Antonio.

"Tesoro, follow me, ill show you to a guest room, so you can clean up and then ill come get you after a little while so I can get this wound treated. We can get you some food" Antonio stated, pulling my hand to follow him up the stairs where the others came from. I looked back only to see the guy's eyes following my every movement.

"You can have this room bambino. The bathroom is through there, and ill have a maid bring you a clean set of clothes for tonight. Get cleaned up and ill be back soon" he said with a smile. I nodded, thanking him, and he left, closing the door behind him.

I looked around the room, and it was huge! There was a king-size bed against the wall on the left and a nightstand on either side. Across from that, there were two doors, one for the bathroom and the other to a walk-in closet. There was a tall bookshelf, with a few books and decorations set up on it, and a desk next to that. The walls were white, which made the room very bright.

I went to the bathroom, and there was a good size walk-in shower, big enough for five people. Next to the shower, there was a bathtub which I can't wait to relax in. across from them, there was a long counter with a sink, and a mirror hung on the wall.

I turned on the shower to let the steam build up with the heat. I found a white fluffy towel and hung that just outside of the shower.

Stepping in, I hummed with delight, feeling the hot water hit my skin, relaxing my muscles.

I washed my hair, and body, and stepped out wrapping the towel around my body. I opened the bathroom door and peeked out through the small crack, and just as Antonio said, there was a set of clothes on the bed.

There were grey sweatpants that looked too big for me and a grey hoodie. They look like men's clothing but that's fine, I like wearing hoodies that are too big for me, they feel more comfortable.

I dried my body and hair and got dressed in the clothes, just as there was a knock on the door. "Come in" I shouted to whoever was on the other side. The bedroom door cracked open and Antonio poked his head through and smiled at me when he saw that I was dressed and showered.

"Hey tesoro, are you hungry?" he asked, walking entirely into the room now. I nodded my head, earning a smile from Antonio. He reached for my hand and walked me out of the room, down the stairs and towards another room.

"What would you like to eat tesoro?" he asked, to which I shrugged, not wanting to be a burden and make him cook something too big. "How about a sandwich?"

"Yes please, if that's okay?"

"Of course bambino, you can have anything you want," he said opening the fridge and taking out ingredients to make us both a sandwich. There was ham, lettuce, tomato and cucumber, and mayonnaise. Once he finished making the sandwiches, he placed the plates at the breakfast bar that was in the kitchen and we both sat down on the stools and devoured our sandwiches.

"So, Amara, how old are you?" he asked me, with curiosity.

"I'm 17, ill be 18 in a few months" I replied, wiping any sauce or crumbs from my face. He nodded, seeming deep in thought, whilst searching my face again. It was like he recognised me or something.

Just then, the four men from earlier came walking into the kitchen, all talking and laughing but froze when they saw me, and just like Antonio, they seemed to be searching my face for something. This is getting weirder.

One man stepped forward with a smile "Hi, I'm Alessandro, I'm 25"

"I'm Leonardo, 22"

"Matteo, I'm the oldest twin," one said with a cheeky grin, making the last man roll his eyes.

"I'm Romeo, this idiot's twin, we're both 18" He introduced himself with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Amara, I'm 17. It's lovely to meet you all" I smiled at them all. They all came and sat around the breakfast bar with me and Antonio. One of the twins, Matteo I think, sat on my other side while the other three brothers sat across from us. All still staring at me including Antonio.

"I'm sorry, do I have anything on my face?" I asked, wiping around my mouth, but hissed when I caught the cut on my lip, that my father had caused.

Matteo quickly turned my head to face him and looked closely at the cuts that were scattered around my face. He looked towards Leonardo, who jumped up from his seat and made his way to me. "We need to get these cuts cleaned up piccolo" he stated.

He held his hand out for me to reach but I hesitated. I looked back at Antonio and he gave me a smile and nodded "You're okay now, tesoro, Leo just wants to clean your cuts up so they don't get infected. He will look after you" he promised still wearing the same smile.

I nodded and looked back at Leonardo, putting my hand in his for him to help me down from the stool and guided me from the kitchen and down the hallway.


These guys just seem so weird... Do you have an idea of what they're hiding?

 Do you have an idea of what they're hiding?

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