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"Come with me." Taehyung whispered while your father glared at you as your gaze met him, "Don't look at him." Taehyung said, gaining your attention.

Yeonjun pulled your hand up before placing it into Taehyung's vast palm, "Thank you." Yeonjun muttered.

Taehyung looked at him while Yeonjun gave him a sad smile, "Y/N won't come here from now. If you want to meet her, you can come to our residence anytime." Taehyung stated as Yeonjun nodded.

All this while you were looking at Taehyung's visage, "Give greeting to Mrs. Choi." Taehyung said as Yeonjun nodded, "Take care of Y/N." Yeonjun muttered, Taehyung turned his gaze to you, "I will." His orbs held the rectitude prior he turned around to walk away. Sauntering in front of Mr. Choi's physique.

Taehyung halted his steps and looked at him, "Don't even dare to touch my wife or else you have to bear the consequences." Taehyung turned around to leave with you.

Sauntering out of the main threshold, you both perceived Mr. Choi's voice, "Taehyung..." You were about to look back at your father when Taehyung said, "Don't." You looked at Taehyung's profile as the guard took out the car.

Holding the door open for you, Taehyung placed his hand on the door frame as you climbed over the passenger's seat and he hopped on the driver's one, "Put on the seat belt." He declared and you did as he said.

Gazing out of the window while the tears were gushing down your cheeks while your weeping didn't go unnoticed by Taehyung who was steering towards the residence, "Why? Why were you even born? You must have died the day you were born. I would have been living with my wife, my Sook." You sniffled while those bitter words of your father played on the loop as Taehyung took a glance at you.

The car was tranquil, the only thing that could be heard were your sobs, you wiped your moist cheeks with the back of your hand, trying to calm your breathings down, "He was saying right! I would have died. I shouldn't have been born. I killed my mother. I am sorry. I am so sorry." You wept silently.

Taehyung took a glance at your worn out situation, "She doesn't seem well." He gulped down before parting out his dry lips to try to form a sentence in his throat but he wasn't able to speak. He didn't know how to comfort you and make you calm down in the situation you were in.

Slipping his hand inside the pocket of his pants, he dug out his handkerchief before stretching his hand towards you.

You wiggled your orbs from the vista outside to the handkerchief in a jiffy and then glancing at his profile, he was looking ahead on the road as you reluctantly got a hold on the handkerchief in his hand while he let go of it, leisurely.

"It won't be easy to forget him but you have to. He can't blame you and treat his own daughter like shit. I don't know since when this has been going on. Since she was young?" Taehyung thought while pressing onto the accelerator, "She has endured so much. She must have been so strong." Taehyung swiftly turned the steering wheel to take left over the vacant but busy road.

Your swollen yet ruddy eyes didn't go unnoticed by him as you wiped off your tear with the handkerchief he offered you and it didn't take long for the surface of the material to get damp.

Putting on the brakes at the Porte cochere of the residence, Taehyung pulled off his seatbelt while you sniffled, gazing down at your lap clutching onto the handkerchief and your index fingers fiddled with each other.

"We are home." You heard Taehyung muttering with a stern tone making you come out of your reverie as you took a glance outside the window, "I don't have one." You thought, referring to the word, 'Home.'

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