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Taehyung stepped down from the stairs to look for the certain one all around the area, "Where is she? Did she already leave?" His orbs traveled to the main entrance of the building as he sped up his speed to search for your physique. Squinted his eyes after discerning a similar frame.

He watched you taking steps on the road while he strode towards you scrutinizing the steps you were taking. He deciphered your hand near the ear, "Is she talking on the call while crossing the road?" Taehyung stepped out of the entrance of the building.

Taking a glance at the traffic lights which were soon going to turn green aa he wiggled his orbs back to your frame, your steps halted. "Why isn't she crossing the road?" He whispered under his breath.

He twitched his orbs to the direction of the honk he perceived, rushing into your direction when he analysed your frame turning around to look at the car. His heart accelerated its beat as he shouted, "Y/N!" You heard him but you were too horrorstuck to twitch towards him as he sprinted his steps onto the road.

Stretching his hand to hold onto your lower arm, he stiffened his grip with his vast hands before pulling your physique towards himself as the car steered past you both while the pedestrians let out a deep sigh, you were safe in his embrace.

Taehyung could feel your grip over his suit jacket covering his torso which you were clutching onto tightly.

You head lightly resting onto his chest as he could feel your breaths in that not so silent atmosphere. His hands were propped around your waist, bracing you in his embrace which you held him, dependably.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung spoke out in the stillness between you two, gazing down trying to take a glimpse at your visage in the hindrance of his coat.

He could feel your heartbeat against his chest. "I have got you! I won't commit the same mistake again." Sensing the movements he came out of his reverie before looking at your visage gazing skyward in his direction, "Taehyung…" You whispered under your breath.

Discovering the hot water already settled at the brim of the eye, "Why the hell did you stop in the middle of the road? Did you get hurt anywhere?" He asked while gazing down in your orbs and retreating himself from you.

"I am fine." You muttered letting go of his suit jacket. His orbs traveled down at your legs to see if you have got hurt anywhere, "Who was on the call?" He asked, looking at you as you looked up at him, "Mom." You answered as he nodded.

"Is everything okay?" He asked gazing at your tensed visage as you nodded, "Yeah. Everything is fine." He nodded while you were competing within yourself to ask him whether to ask him about the anniversary or not, "I should give it a try."

"Chauffeur will drop you home." Taehyung declared, fitcjing his phone out to call the driver as you looked at him while he pocketed his hands in his pants, gazing beside your shoulder.

He placed the phone against his ear and spoke, "Take out the car, I am waiting at the entrance." He wiggled his orbs into yours and discerned the urge which was building up onto your visage, "You wanna say something?" "I want to say something." You both said simultaneously as you licked onto your lips.

"Say it." He declared with a calm voice approaching your ear, "It's my parents' anniversary on Wednesday and… they want you to join the anniversary party." You completed your sentence looking at him with your doe orbs as he blinked, "We will talk about this at home." He announced while looking at your squinted eyes as the sun rays were gleaming into your orbs making it difficult for you to relax your eyes.

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