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The murky night with the stars sprinkled around while the night poles deposited alongside the road was the only source of the lumination, outspreading over the physiques who knew nothing of what God had decided for them and their life's but they were going to their destination together.

You breaths were uneven as you gazed down at Taehyung's frame taking over Thomas's physique, laying on his back holding Taehyung's lower arm in order to set the material of his collar off but Taehyung didn't let go as his grip stiffened by passing seconds, "Why did you do it?" Taehyung shouted as he thwacked Thomas's cheek with his fist as you looked at him with wide eyes, horror-struck standing a few steps away from him.

Taehyung was about to throw another blow when a shout left your throat, "Taehyung!" He halted his fist in midway, holding himself back after perceiving your voice. He respired deeply while you gazed down at him with your glistened eyes, "Please don't..." Your voice came out wobbly as Taehyung slipped his hand down from the air.

Taehyung furrowed his brows for a jiffy as his wrath orbs turned soft for a while when he looked down at Thomas. His visage was the one which was building keen hatred but thinking of you, he halted taking his rage out on Thomas.

It could affect you and your mental health. You have already gone through a lot and he didn't want you to go through it once again just because of him, "Why did you come here, Y/n?" Taehyung closed his eyes in anxiety.

Your heart was rapid at its pace as your hands were trembling in their place, hanging sideways your frame as you unwittingly bit onto your lower lip which were quivering within while Taehyung was in fury, discerning the killer of his wife and the question which hasn't let him at peace, Why did Thomas kill Ari? He didn't even know him but hence he killed her.

Taehyung held his collar with his vast and sturdy fist, creasing the material of his shirt while the upper button of Thomas's shirt broke off, falling over the concrete road when Taehyung gritted his teeth, "Tell me the truth. You bastard!" He bellowed the last part while Thomas let out uneven breaths.

"Tell me!" Taehyung roared as you clenched your eyes shut at his deep and heavy voice you were hearing for the first time since you were with him. He has shouted at you a few times but it wasn't identical to this one.

Anyone could tell that he was in rage and Thomas could see the wrath within his hollow globes in the murky atmosphere where the lights of the night poles were luminating the water which his eyes were holding within. The fringe of his once white sclera turned ruddy within seconds.

Taehyung scrutinized the slow swap within Thomas's expressions as the once fearful and perturbed eyes were now gallant and valiant, making Taehyung furrowed his brows, "Tell you." Thomas mocked with his raised voice, "Why?" He shouted while the noise of the police sirens were deafening as the cars Yelp within the distance but your attention was caught was the two blokes.

Thomas held Taehyung's lower arm with his hands trying to pull his hand off his collar as he said, "Why? Why don't you ask your father?" Taehyung orbs held befuddlement hearing the name of his father which Thomas was butting in without any relation, at least that's what he thought.

Not letting Thomas's sentence take over his mind, Taehyung held his collar tightly, "Don't beat around the bush, you sc*mb*g. Tell me the truth. Why the hell did you kill Ari?" Taehyung shouted while the police pulled over their cars on the empty road just behind your back.

Thomas discerned the officers with his side eyes as Taehyung traveled his eyes in the same direction where Thomas was looking. You gazed beside and behind yourself as you watched the officers climbing off their car with their guns ready.

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