"And you must be Harry." She tells me and I smile. "I'm Sophie." She continues and I try to give her my hand for a handshake. But she had other plans. She gives me a hug and with that gesture she takes all of my anxiety away. 

"I'm so happy to meet you Mrs Williams." I try to be as polite as possible. 

"Don't call me that, I'm just Sophie. Now let me help you with your things. Tonya, darling, come here to help us." She tells her daughter once again and Tonya comes out. She gives a hug to both Iris and Emma, and tells Emma to go find her other aunt. Then, she comes to my side and she gives me a hug too.

"I missed you too, Harry, not only your girls. Welcome to our humble home." Tonya says and Iris shakes her head.

"I missed you too, Ton. Thank you again for the invitation to your wedding."

She laughs. "I wouldn't forgive myself if you weren't invited. You mean so much to two of my favorite people so I want you there." She tells me once again.

We all walk inside, each one of us carry something on our hands. Emma is sitting on the couch with Florence and they are talking about my concert. Emma tells her that she has met my sister and my mother and tells her that Gemma has longer hair than even Florence. When they see us, Florence stands up and hugs both Iris and I. In this house, I feel loved and appreciated. 

We carry our things to Iris' childhood bedroom. The room is lavender and now I see that Emma got this obsession with this color from her mother. There are a lot of awards on the wall as well as her degree from the university. She has a few photos still on one shelf and I walk there to look at them. Childhood photos, school pictures and even a picture of Alex Turner.

"Your obsession with Alex Turner is showing, baby honey." I look at her while se unfolds some of the clothes. She is already unpacking her things.

She looks at me and I see her blush. "Stop making fun of me. I've told you that I love this man."

"Should we go to an Arctic Monkeys concert then?" I ask her as I sit on her bed.

"We should. Now, help me unpack. We have to do the same thing on Emma's room as well."

"Emma has a room here?" I ask her curiously.

She nods. "My mother wanted to change the guest room when my father died. So she made it into a room for Emma."

"It's a lovely house." I compliment her mother's place. It's really big and it has a big backyard as well.

"It really is. Now, cut the chit-chat and help me."

"I like when you are being like that." I tell her and try to kiss her.

"None of that. I'm tired and I want to eat and then sleep. Oh, and also none of that sexual innuendo in this home."

I laugh and I don't answer. On the other hand, I begin to help her with our clothes. She gives me instructions of how she organises the wardrobe. Then we move to Emma's room. It is painted white, with the wall besides her bed being painted the color lavender. It has a lot of things that Emma can keep herself occupied and I smile at the thought of her sitting on this big desk and coloring the princess book I'm looking at. I'm quick to help Iris unpack Emma's stuff too. Then, we go downstairs where Emma and Tonya tell Sophie everything she has to know about the performance Emma had a few days ago.

"What are we having for dinner?" Iris asks, making her mother laugh.

"You always act like a little girl when you are here darling. Food isn't ready yet. I have to go get some things from the market. And I want you and your sister to come help me." She says and then looks to both of her daughters. They sigh but they do as their mother says.

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