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The room behind the wall was filled with weapons that he had brought to the battlefield before. If the man hid in it, he might have picked out a good weapon to deal with him.

Ai Fan loaded the bullet, pressed the switch on the wall to open the door, and quickly hid behind the wall, squinting into the room.

No one was there.

Still not letting go of his vigilance, he stepped into the room with a gun in his hand, his gaze fell on a wardrobe.

All the clothes were hung neatly in the closet, only the clothes in that closet hung crookedly, and it seemed that someone had touched it.

At this moment, the clothes in the closet suddenly moved, as if someone had lifted them from inside.

Ai Fan's mouth curved into a cold smile.

That's it.

He took a few steps to the closet, pushed aside the clothes with one hand, and pointed the gun at the closet with the other.

The exposed figure was mostly covered by a coat, only the slender legs and snow-white arms were exposed, and the rest was hidden behind the coat.

Feeling that the clothes hanging in front of him were pushed aside, the figure trembled, but still did not come out.

Ai Fan tore off the man's overcoat that was used to cover him, and as soon as the gun touched it, he froze in place.

The snow-white boy was only wearing a pair of baggy trousers, his fingers were still tightly clutching the coat that he had ripped open, and he refused to let go, looking at him in horror with a pair of wet eyes. Yun Xi was scared out of his wits by the gun that was only a few millimeters away from him. He trembled

for a long time, looked at the man's cold expression, and said softly, "Admiral Ai Fan..."

Hearing this syllable, I also remembered that they said it to a man, so I guessed that it was a man's name.

The man's eyes made him feel that the gun pointed at him would be pulled the trigger in the next second, and a hole would be mercilessly opened in his head.

He can only imitate those people and call the man's name first, trying to save the situation.

Ai Fan didn't react until he heard Yun Xi's voice. He put the ripped coat back on the little mermaid, and his eyes fell on those legs.

"Did you drink the polymorph?" After a

pause, he pointed to himself again: "Can you say my name?"

Seeing that the little mermaid was still huddled in the closet, he looked down at the little mermaid. to the gun in his hand.

Are you afraid of this?

He threw the gun aside casually, and stretched out his hand towards the little mermaid.

"Come out first."

Seeing the gun being thrown to the ground, Yun Xi let go of her hanging heart and grabbed Ai Fan's hand.

Ai Fan pulled the little mermaid out of the closet, and looked down at those legs again, always feeling a little awkward.

I used to treat the little mermaid as a pet, but now when I look at the little mermaid who looks like a teenager, I unconsciously treat him as a human being.

"Can you walk?"

Holding the soft and delicate hand of the little mermaid, he asked without thinking.

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