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Yun Xi saw the soldier suddenly looking for something in his pocket, and then saw him take out a cube-shaped object from his pocket, and handed it to her.

Yun Xi stared at the square for a while, then reached out to take it.

The cube is a bit like the Rubik's Cube in his world, but this cube is crystal clear and very beautiful.

I don't know if it's because mermaids naturally like beautiful and delicate things, Yun Xi was quickly attracted by the cubes, and swam to the corner to concentrate on research.

That thing was originally a gadget used by soldiers to amuse themselves. He didn't expect the little mermaid to master the game so quickly, and seemed to like it very much.

Although he guessed that this beautiful mermaid was raised by General Ai Fan, he didn't expect that the mermaid raised by General Ai Fan would be interested in this kind of gadget.

Shouldn't the admiral's mermaid have all the toys?

He looked around and found that the area around the pool was very empty, nothing was arranged, and he didn't see any toys for mermaids.

The soldier thought of Admiral Ai Fan's usually unsmiling face, and it was difficult to connect him with those who love mermaids. It seemed that Admiral Ai Fan didn't like this little mermaid very much.

He feels sorry for the little mermaid inexplicably, now it's almost meal time, and no one has come to bring food to the little mermaid, it seems that the little mermaid has really been left out in the cold.

The soldier glanced at the time, he had stayed here long enough and had to leave.

He took out the food that he usually used to satisfy his hunger from his pocket, tore a hole and placed it on the bank, and quietly went out without disturbing the little mermaid who was still playing with cubes in the pool.

When it was getting dark, Yun Xi realized that the person on the shore had left long ago. He saw a bag where the person had stood, and swam over curiously.

The scent in the packaging bag immediately whetted his appetite, presumably it was the food that person left him just now.

Without thinking too much, he reached into the torn bag, finished the whole bag in a short while, and swam back to play with his new toy contentedly.

When Ai Fan rushed back from the outside, what he saw was the little mermaid with her back to the door, lowering her head intently, not knowing what she was doing.

He rushed back to the military headquarters temporarily in the afternoon, and when he was dealing with the affairs, he was still thinking about coming back to feed the fish earlier, so he rushed back as soon as he finished the affairs.

He also ordered seafood in advance to be delivered to his house, thinking that the little mermaid would definitely swim over to greet him when he smelled the umami, or to be more precise, the food that came to greet him.

Unexpectedly, when he came in with a basket of seafood, the little mermaid didn't even look back.

"Xiaoyun." Ai Fan shouted towards the back, but the little mermaid still didn't look back, her little head was looking down at the things in her hand.

He yelled a few more times, and saw the little mermaid's tail move and pat the water surface twice, as if responding to him impatiently.

If it wasn't for the fact that the mermaid can't speak, he felt that the little mermaid would throw him a "what are you shouting" with that soft voice.

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