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The clerk hurried over when he heard the commotion, he was breathless when he saw the scene in front of him, and hurried out to make contact again.

Yun Xi was also dumbfounded seeing this scene.

He just saw that strange man stretching out his hand towards him, and he felt very resistant in his heart. When he recovered, his tail had already been thrown out.

Only when he saw the strange man fell unconscious on the ground did he realize that his tail had such great power.

He always thought that mermaids were the weak side in this world, how could he have imagined that seemingly strong humans would be so vulnerable.

The person who fell on the ground was dressed gorgeously, and he seemed to be of high status, and judging from the way he just walked over and chatted naturally, he seemed to be familiar with Ivan.

The more he thought about it, the more flustered Yun Xi became. He didn't dare to look back at Ai Fan's expression, so he could only stare in that person's direction stiffly, thinking of countermeasures that could save the situation.

There was a "dong dong" sound next to him, his stiff neck moved, and he saw a glass jar next to him.

There is a mermaid in the glass tank, and the mermaid is hitting the glass one after another. It looks like the mermaid brought by the person who fell on the ground.

It was a black-haired mermaid with a light gray tail, and it was showing sharp teeth towards him at this time, with a bad expression on its face.

The mermaid had slender arms and legs, and was separated by two glass panes, so Yun Xi wasn't too scared.

After the clerk ran out to contact the person, he ran back, squatted in front of the person and called a few times cautiously.

"Guest, are you alright? Can you still get up?"

Yun Xi saw the man's fingers twitch, guessing that he just lost consciousness for a short time and would wake up soon.

He was the one who suffered when he woke up.

He thought for a while, his expression gradually became dignified.

Although he doesn't feel any guilt now, if that person wakes up and sees his unrepentant appearance, he probably won't let him go easily.

Taking another look at the hand that was bruised and purple by himself, he closed his eyes and sighed, as if he had made some great determination.

From Ai Fan's angle, he could only see the little mermaid's back turned to him and froze for a long time, as if she was petrified by the situation in front of her.

He knew that the little mermaid didn't like being touched by others, but he didn't expect his reaction to be so intense.

Thinking of the few times before when he tried to touch the little mermaid's head, but was just avoided, the little mermaid didn't seem to have any intention of attacking him.

I just don't know if it's because he has fed the little mermaid, and the little mermaid knows that he is the master, or because the little mermaid only attacks people who are weaker than her.

Ivan thought for a while and thought it should be the latter.

Seeing that the clerk had contacted someone, he didn't want to stay any longer, and was about to leave when he found that the little mermaid who hadn't moved suddenly turned around.

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