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In the morning, the sun is shining brightly.

The pool built indoors was illuminated by a ray of sunlight, and the water surface shimmered like a layer of silver powder.

Yun Xi is still sinking at the bottom of the water and sleeping soundly.

He saw with his own eyes yesterday that the two men moved all those slides out in front of him, and he immediately felt that there was no silver three hundred taels here, which further confirmed his guess.

It was just because the light in the pool was not good at night, so he gave up looking for evidence, but thought about how to save his own life all night, and fell asleep in the rippling water before thinking of a solution.

I have to say that although being a mermaid is a bit aggrieved, he always sleeps very soundly when he sleeps in the water. He sleeps until the sun is rising.

Yun Xi didn't realize where she was when she woke up, and she didn't realize where she was until she surfaced.

He woke up suddenly, the sun was just right now, and it was a great opportunity to find out this place.

Yesterday, in order not to arouse the suspicion of those two people, he just swam around the pond a few times casually, and now he is the only fish here, so of course he couldn't let this chance go.

Yun Xi plunged into the bottom of the water and began to study the structure of the pool.

This pool is very large, and it takes him a lot of time to swim a full circle. The pool wall is made of light blue crystal bricks, emitting a faint blue light under the light.

He searched around but couldn't find the drain and water outlet. He suddenly remembered that Hodge used a translucent panel to control the pool yesterday, and the pool could be cleaned and drained automatically.

Yun Xi swam to a place close to the door, supported the shore with her hands, and climbed onto the shore with great effort.

He groped along the shore for a while, but he found less than what he found underwater, and he was exhausted and out of breath.

When he couldn't bear the dryness, he jumped back into the pool again.

The panel that Hodge got out yesterday could not be found on the shore, and there was nothing special to discover, let alone the various mechanisms he imagined.

Yun Xi tossed and tossed for a long time without gaining anything, her face was overcast with clouds, she lay on her back on the water, her tail slapped the water surface again and again.

That person was really cautious, and he couldn't catch any flaws.

He thought of Ai Fan's expressionless face, and he spurned it in his heart. It's really inhuman to play tricks with a fish.

I don't know how long the time has passed. Yun Xi has lost the sense of time since he came here. He can only judge what time of day it is by the color of the sky. Now that the sun is shining brightly, it should be noon.

Although he still spurned Ai Fan in his heart just now, he admitted that he still wanted to see that face at this moment, because he was a little hungry.

Speaking of which, why didn't that person come to bring him breakfast today?

He belatedly remembered that not only did he not eat breakfast, he also did not eat dinner last night, and the last meal he ate was the lobster Hodge gave him. He has been jumping up and down for so long just now, and now he is already hungry.

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